Australia:Marketing Management and Planning 代写
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Marketing Management and Planning
Course Outline
Trimester 3, 2013
Newcastle Business School
Faculty of Business and Law
The University of Newcastle
CRICOS provider number 00109J
Facilitator Details. 4
Blackboard and Student Email 4
Brief Course Description. 5
Assumed Knowledge. 5
Student Learning Outcomes. 5
Link to Graduate Learning Outcomes. 5
Summary of Course Content 6
Organisation and Online Teaching Process. 6
Continuous Course Evaluation and Improvement 7
Prescribed Text 8
Additional References. 8
Weekly Module Topics, Readings & Schedule of Dates. 9
Electronic Library Access. 10
Assessment Items. 12
Assessment Details. 12
Cover Sheets for Assessment 17
Presentation of Written Work. 17
Assessment Penalties. 17
Assessment Grades / Percentages. 18
Adverse Circumstances Affecting Assessment Items. 18
Academic Integrity and Plagiarism.. 18
Academic Honesty Module. 19
Turnitin. 19
Academic Skills Resources. 20
Advice on Use of Internet Sites. 21
Questions to ask about any site on the WWW: 21
Student Grievance Procedure. 21
Rules Governing Postgraduate Coursework Awards. 22
Appeal of Results. 22
Students with a Disability or Chronic Illness. 22
Changing your Enrolment 22
Alteration of this Course Outline. 23
Withdrawing from a course. 23
Newcastle Business School (NBS): 24
Faculty Student Services. 24 24
Facilitator Details
Online Facilitator and Course Coordinator
Name: Phillip Morgan
Note: Please use private email to contact your facilitator /coordinator only when you have a question or issue of a personal nature. All other questions or comments can be posted on the appropriate thread the discussion board so that all students may benefit from the dialogue.
Your facilitator /coordinator will respond to personal emails within 48 hours. When emailing your instructor or course coordinator, please put “GSBS6005 Weblearn” at the start of the subject line of e-mails you send.
Blackboard and Student Email
Blackboard is the Learning Management System used in this course. All written assignments are to be submitted through Turnitin within Blackboard. The login address is:
You are able to access all additional Internet sites, course information, assessment details, Infoskills and Turnitin through the one blackboard address. You are responsible for regularly accessing this site. Many student sites can be accessed through the ‘For Students’ tab at the top of your blackboard interface. To log into Blackboard, use your username and password. Your username is your student number prefaced with a lower case 'c'. (e.g. c9999999). Your password is the Access key on your student card followed by day and month of birth (e.g. 4vju0606). If you have altered your password this will be the current password.
For Blackboard help please email
Student Email:
Your student email is Please check it regularly because it is the usual means by which the University will contact you. Note that you should make regular checks of both your student email and blackboard sites.
Brief Course Description
Marketing plays a vital role in creating sustainable competitive advantage for organizations with limited resources, and that operate in dynamic competitive environments. In doing so marketing provides the focus for creating and maintaining value for customers and organizational profit. Drawing from a preliminary review of basic marketing concepts and processes, Marketing Management develops a set of key analytical tools to enhance managers’ understanding of, and the ability to, manage key strategic issues and decisions. Marketing Planning and Management is designed as a beneficial stand-alone unit for all managers and provides a strong foundation for further marketing studies.
Assumed Knowledge
There is no assumed knowledge for this course.
Student Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this Management and Planning course, students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the role of marketing within the organisation;
2. Apply marketing principles to analyse problems and propose solutions;
3. Identify and explain the elements of a marketing plan;
4. Discuss strategic and marketing planning, and apply a strategic framework to marketing issues and decisions;
5. Effectively communicate marketing knowledge in a written context; and
6. Work collaboratively to challenge and develop ideas.
Link to Graduate Learning Outcomes
The University Graduate Attribute Domains Policy is now included in the Program Management Policy and Procedure Manual at:
Graduate Attribute Learning
1. EffectiveCommunication 5 MidTerm Quiz, Situational Analysis Report, Reflective Essay, Discussion board
2. EffectiveIndependent/TeamWork 6 SituationalAnalysisReport
3. CriticalThinkingandAnalytical
Problem-Solving 2 SituationalAnalysisReport, ReflectiveEssay
4. KnowledgeofDisciplineTheory, ModelsandConceptsand ProficiencyintheirApplication
1, 2,3, 4,5 MidTerm Quiz, Situational Analysis Report, Reflective Essay, Discussion board
5. ProficientUtilizationofInformation andTechnology
6. BusinessrelatedGlobalandCultural
7. Knowledgeand skillspecialisation withinDiscipline
ApplicableonlytotheMastersof Business Administrationand ProfessionalAccounting AdvancedDegrees
Summary of Course Content
The course is organised around 12 modules, with one module corresponding to a calendar week. Each module will have specific learning outcomes/objectives that will correspond closely to sections of your text. Details of the 12 modules will be provided in the Course Documents section of Blackboard. Each week a discussion forum using Blackboard will supplement the modules and enhance your learning.
Organisation and Online Teaching Process
Course Value: 10 Credit course
Hours per Week:Approximately 10 hours reading and engaging with the exercises (does not include assignment preparation)
Type: Online
Hours per Week: Approximately 10 hours
Class Type: Online
Each week throughout the trimester you are expected to spend an average of 10 hours reading and engaging with the exercises.
Please note the following points carefully:
· This course is taught online. One of the great strengths of the online mode is the diversity of the classroom. This is a huge educational advantage because it means we have a rich variety of backgrounds, perspectives and experiences to share and consider. In this context, you are encouraged to express your views, to challenge each other and to be challenged in the online discussion forums. This needs to happen in a context of mutual respect, where differences as well as similarities are appreciated.
· You should read this course outline thoroughly and in its entirety before commencing your studies. The outline contains important information about course objectives, assessment criteria, marking guidelines, assessment penalties, presentation requirements, referencing advice, the University policy on plagiarism, and submitting assignments.
· You should log in to Blackboard frequently and regularly. Blackboard is a source of much information. Blackboard is a critical tool for communication in four ways:
1. Instructor will provide any extra information via the announcements section in Blackboard. FAQ areas in the Discussion Boards are allocated for questions and answers relating to the three assignments and the course overall. You are encouraged to ask and respond to questions about assignments but you will not be assessed on these elements of the Discussion Board.
2. A thread will be open in the Groups area for questions relating to each weeks Module. These discussion forums are the equivalent of tutorials and it is highly recommended that you participate.
3. Discussion is very important because regularly engaging with other students and the Instructor in a meaningful way will make the course easier, more interesting and you will learn more about each topic from the other students and the Instructor.
4. Assignment 1 is a group assignment. Groups will be allocated in week 2. There is a tab on Blackboard that will direct you to your assignment group. You can communicate with group members, chat synchronously, and send files within this group, without any other class members having access.
· Each week you should study the allocated Module. Information about the Module will be available in the Course Documents section of Blackboard, and will include learning objectives, comments, set readings, and self-directed study exercises.
· You should make sure that you are familiar with a Module before you contribute to the weekly discussion. Additionally, please ensure that you follow the discussionthreads before making your contribution. The aim is to avoid repetitive and too general contributions and to encourage focused discussion. Your instructor will monitor the discussion regularly and, where appropriate, guide it.
· You need to keep on track with times and dates. Try to keep up with the class and the course schedule. While online learning is essentially independent, it is helpful to share ideas and the class will be moving on to the next module each week. The time goes very quickly.
· You are required to participate in all assessable activities (three assessments) and to submit all assessable items by the due dates.
Continuous Course Evaluation and Improvement
As part of the Faculty’s commitment tocontinuous improvement in its courses, studentevaluation ofcoursessurveysarecarried outon each offering.Feedback obtained thissemesterwill be incorporated intosubsequentofferings.
Prescribed Text
Solomon, M.R. Marshall, G.W. & Stuart, E.W. (2012). Marketing: Real People Real Choices (7th edn), Pearson Education Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, USA. (Pearson International Edition) ISBN-10: E994249712 ISBN-13: 9314994249712
Additional References
Aswellastheprescribedtextbook,therearemany otherreferencesourcesincluding chapterswithin textbooksand scholarlyjournalsyoucan readtorefine yourleaning:
· Cravens,DavidW.andNigelF.Piercy(2009),StrategicMarketing,9thEdition,TheMcGraw- HillCompanies,Inc.NewYork.
· Mullins,J.,Walker,O.andHarperBoydJr.,H.(2009),MarketingManagement:AStrategic Decision-MakingApproach,7thEdition,McGrawHill,AustraliaandNewZealand.
· Woof, M.B. (2011) The Marketing Plan Handbook, (4th edn), Pearson Education Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, USA. (Pearson International Edition).
Youareexpected to readwidelywhenpreparingyourassignments. Inparticular,you shouldusethe resourcesoftheuniversitylibrary,especially thejournalliterature. Note:Consultationoflecturenotesdoesnotcountasreadingwidely.The following journalsarerecommended asgoodsourcesforadditional reading:
· AdvertisingNews
· BusinessHorizons
· BusinessReviewWeekly
· EuropeanJournalof Marketing
· JournalofAdvertising
· JournalofBusinessResearch
· JournalofConsumerResearch
· Journalof Marketing
· Journalof Marketing Management
· Journalof MarketingResearch
· JournalofRetailing
· JournalofServices Marketing
Weekly Module Topics, Readings& Schedule of Dates
This course will consist of 12 weekly Modules following the below schedule:
(Week) Topic Text
Reading Assignment due dates
9 - 15 Markets andthe MarketingProcess
· Understanding marketing; the marketing process, markets and market orientation
· Value creation, value propositions,
competitive advantage and capabilities
The augmented product 1
16 - 22
· Business and Marketing Strategies;
ethics and social responsibility
· Planning and the marketing plan; Situation analysis and the SWOT 2,3
23 - 29 BehaviourandCognitioninMarketing
· Understanding customers’ and consumers’ behaviour
· Marketing Research 5,6
Sept 30
- 6 Oct
· Market segmentation, targeting and
positioning 7
7 - 13
· The marketing mix
· Product-market and competitor analysis
14 - 21 MarketingMix:Knowingyour productanddeciding onthe market
· Product-market and competitor analysis
· Managing brands 8,9
Assignment 2 due midnight Sunday 20th October
21 - 27 Innovation inMarketing
· New product development and the marketing plan 8,10
Oct 28
- 3 Nov MarketingMix:Price
· Costing issues and pricing strategy: life cycle, skimming and penetration pricing 11
4 - 10 MarketingMix:Promotion
· IMC: Integrated marketing communications
· The market space
· Value based relationship management 12,13,14,16
Assignment 1 due midnight Sunday 10thNovember
11 - 17
MarketingMix:Place andLogistics
· Deliver the value proposition
· Market-driven organisations 15,16
18 - 24 MarketingImplementationandControl
· Designing market-driven organisations
· Implementing the marketing plan 2
Assignment 3 due midnight Sunday 24thNovember
Nov 25 – Dec 1 MarketingGlobalisation
· Globalisation issues
3 Online Quiz: 1.5 hours between 12pm (AEST) onFriday 29th November, 2013 until 12pm (AEST) on Saturday 30th November, 2013
Please note that there is no final examination for this subject
Electronic Library Access
All students can access Newcastle University Library services on the Internet at It is recommended you add this website to your favourites or bookmark it for quick access. A full list and explanation of the services available to students, including Off Campus Library Support and special provisions for Postgraduate, Distance Learning and International students can be found at this address. The Library has extensive electronic resources. It has a complete on-line catalogue of its collections, and access to other selected libraries. Access to many databases and on-line journals and periodicals is also available.
Library Links
The Library’s Help Area
Library Catalogue
Reference Databases
Short Loans Online
How to create a library pin number
To access online library services, including journals, databases, ebooks, and to use certain functions of the library catalogue, you will need a library personal identification number (PIN). This is different from your student number and you will have to create your library PIN yourself. To create your library pin number, please go to
Please do this now as you will need your pin number to access academic journals during the trimester.
Assessment Items
Methods Related
Outcomes Weighting
(%) Due
Date Methodof
Submission Returnable
2, 3,5,6
Week 6 - midnight 20th October, 2013
2ReflectiveEssay(Individual Work)
2, 3,4,5
Week 9- midnight 10th November, 2013
3 Online discussion (Individual Work)
1, 2, 5
Week 11 - midnight 24th November,2013
4 Online Quiz(Individual Work) 1,5 20
Week 12 – between 12pm AEST 29 November & 12pm AEST 30th November Direct Online No
Assessment Details
Assessment1: SituationalAnalysisReport(Groupwork)
Weighting: 30%
Due date: Week6, - midnight 20th October, 2013
Wordlimit: 5000words (excludes executive summary, appendicesand references)
Submission: ToTurnitin
Marketing Planscommence with a thoroughcurrentSituational Analysis.
A marketingsituationanalysispresentsdata on the targetmarket, product,distribution, competition andthemacro environment. Itissynthesized to identifythe majorstrengths, weaknesses,opportunities andthreats (SWOT)facing thecompany/productline andto highlightemergingissues.
Groupsof four (orasindicatedby yourlecturer) areformed bymutual agreement with teaching staff (SeeGroupWorksection 15).Thegroup isto undertake aSituational Analysis ofacompanyselectedfromthefollowinglist:
§ QANTAS (define the market, Australian domestic or International then narrow further if you want (e.g. Sydney to Melbourne economy class; or Sydney to London Business class. If you are in another country pick a QANTAS route relative to that country if you can)
§ Pepsi – pick a product in your country
§ Toyota Lexus in your country
§ Samsung Galaxy in your country
§ A Coffee café chain in your country (not Starbucks but another)
It isentirelyappropriateto narrowyouranalysis to aproduct line where multiple productsexist.
· Introducethereport
· Overviewofthecompany/product line.
· TheMarket Situation- presentinformation about the targetmarket/s,sizeand growth.
· TheProductSituation–presentavailable information about sales,profit, pricingand anyothersalient product issues,e.g. manufacturing orsupply issues.
· TheDistributionSituation–present information on thesize and relative importanceof differentdistributionchannelsused.
· Competitive Situation–identifymajorcompetitorsin termsof their size,strategy, market share,productqualityand other considerations that indicatetheirintentions and behaviors.
· TheMacroenvironmental situationgives abriefsummaryofbroadtrendsthat bear on thecompany’s/productline’sfuture.
· Aftersummarisingthecurrent market situation, you should identifythe strengths weaknesses,opportunities andthreatsfacing the company/product line.
· Identifyatleast two mainissuesforwhich the company/productlinemustcreatea planforamarketingstrategy.
· Conclude thereport.
AssessmentCriteria Weighting
ExecutiveSummary Summarisesthewholereport–isnotanintroduction.Approx.
Introduction Brieflyoverviewallthe elements of thereport
ProductLineOverview Clearlydefinedanddelimited 5
Market Analysis Targetmarketsidentified,market share, sizeandgrowthtrendsfrompastyears 10
Marketing Mix Strategy Analysis
Product attributes, production issues, Sizeandimportanceofeachchannel,channelmemberissues, pricing, promotion related issues 20
CompetitorAnalysis Identifyanddescribemajorcompetitorsin termsoftheirsize, goals,marketshare,productquality&strategies.
Macro environmental
SWOT Summarisethekeyissues. 5
Issue Identification Includesidentificationof twoemergingissues.
Soundapplicationofmarketingtheoriesto justifyassertions.
Conclusion Reiterationof main pointsof the report 2
ReportFormat Suitablestructureandheadings
Writing–clear, easily read
Language– spelling,grammar,punctuation
TOTAL 100%
Gathering anddescription of factswill notsufficeforthe analysis.Youmustusemarketing theoriesandmodelsto underpin yourassertionsand toassist you in comprehensively discoveringtheissues.
Feedback:will be provided in theform of marksaccessible via Blackboard Grade Centre plus acompletedcopyoftheassessment criteria/feedbackform.
Assessment2:IndividualReflective Essay(Individual Work)
Weighting: 30%
Due date: Week9,Midnight 10th November, 2013
Word limit: 2000 words (+/- 10%)
Submission: To Turnitin
Amarketingplanisanessentialtoolforanymarketer,providingdirectionforabrand, productororganization.Amarketingplandescribesthe marketingenvironment, marketing objectivesandmarketingstrategies.
In Assignment 1, you with others in your group developed a situation analysis for a selected company culminating in a SWOT analysis. This is the current situation that company is in from a marketing perspective. On the basis of that analysis and the situation the company is therefore in, youarerequiredto individually reflect on how you would conclude that plan relative to marketing objectives, target markets and positioning and an overall approach to an appropriate marketing mix. You need to illustrate the links between the various elements of the marketing plan during this reflection. Additionally, conclude by commenting on the role of the marketing plan in terms of how you see it will assist this company, and how it will be used both tactically and strategically.You mustincorporateacademic literature to support/justifyyourdiscussion.Unsubstantiatedstatementswillnotprovide credibilityto yourdiscussion.
AssessmentCriteria Weighting
Introduction A clear description of the result of the situation analysis -the current situation of the company that you have analysed in Assignment 1 5
Marketing Objectives Based on the current situation of the company you have analysed in Assignment 1, clearly state the objectives for the forthcoming 12-months
Target Market(s) and Positioning State which segment(s) you intend to target and what relevant demographic, psychographic and behavioral segmentation approaches are needed. How will you position the product/service for the target market(s)?
Overall approach to an appropriate marketing mix On the basis of your knowledge to this point of the marketing mix elements, reflect on the overall approach to the marketing mix. Outline some detail on the elements and tools you think would be best used 20
PlanElements Clear discussion of the links and/or independence between the marketing plan elements in your plan.
Conclusion - Role of the
Marketing Plan
Clear discussion of how you see your marketing plan will assist the company. How should it be used both tactically and strategically by the company?
ReportFormat Suitable structure and headings
Writing – clear, easily read
Language – spelling, grammar, punctuation
Required length (2500 words)
TOTAL 100%
Note that it is your responsibility to keep a copy of each assessment task that is submitted.
Assessment3: Weekly Online Discussion Board
Weighting : 20%
Due date : Week 11, Midnight 24th November,2013
Submission : ToTurnitin
You will be allocated to an Online discussion group of approximately 20 to 25 people with which to engage during the week about the previous week’s topic. In order to provide the most contemporary and relevant marketing discussion, a question will be added to discussion forums on the Blackboard site for this class just after each lecture from week 2.
You are required to submit a response / comment to the instructor’s questions for those modules as often as you can during the week. Additionally you should respond to the responses of others in the group. The aim is to generate discussion amongst group members on the topics for those modules. Additionally, in first ½ hour of the following week’s lecture the lecturer will lead a brief discussion about those Online discussions in class.
Your response should consist of the integration of marketing concepts into a real world situation with which you are familiar
Assessment Criteria: At the end of Module 11, students should bundle what they consider to be their best four (4) contributions together and submit them through Turnitin. These 4 contributions should consist of two (2) submissions responding to the question from the Instructor and two (2) responding to others in the discussion.
Students are strongly advised to make contributions from each applicable week rather than leaving it to Week 11 to make their minimum contribution. Each Discussion Forum will be open for 14 days only after which no contribution can be made. This is an excellent way of keeping up with the modules and is the best substitute for a week by week experience. Also the workload during the Trimester is heavy enough without adding the extra demand of having to make all three contributions in theselast fewweeks.
Your Lecturer will view contributions on a regular basis, provide selective feedback on these weekly contributions and then assess and comment upon the four best you have submitted for further consideration and grading.
Table 1. Criteria for Assessment of Online Discussion
Criterion Weighting
Integration and Application of Marketing Concepts 40
Evidence of Preparation and Ability to Discuss/Debate the Issues and What Others in the Group have said. 30
Consistent Contribution to the Group Discussion 20
Quality of expression and presentation; appropriate referencing 10
Total 100
Assessment4:Online Quiz. (Expected duration: 1.5 hour)– Quiz result isreleased onlyafterapproval of final courseresults.
Weighting: 20%
Due date: Online Week12,1.5 hours 12pm (AEST) onFriday 29th November, 2013 until 12pm (AEST) on Saturday 30th November, 2013
An online quiz will take place during Module 5. The quiz will consist of questions related to a given marketing scenario. The quiz aims to test your knowledge and understanding of the theory covered during the course (up to and including Module 11).
You will be randomly allocated a quiz scenario and related questions. The end-of-term quiz will be open book. You will have 24 hours to complete and submit your quiz online. It is anticipated that the exam will take approximately 1.5 hours to complete. Once you commence the quiz, you will be timed to complete it in 1.5 hours. The quiz will be available to complete on Blackboard during the timeframe from 12pm (AEST) onFriday 29thNovember, 2013 until 12pm (AEST) on Saturday 30th November, 2013. Please ensure that all academic sources are cited correctly in your exam and in your reference list.
Note: you will be given only one opportunity to complete the quiz. Please ensure you are prepared and have allocated sufficient time to complete the quiz online.
Cover Sheets for Assessment
A Faculty specific Assignment Cover Sheet is to be completed and attached to each submission.Copies of the Assignment Cover Sheet may be found at:
Presentation of Written Work
All work should be typewritten and double-spaced. It is each student’s responsibility to keep a copy of all work submitted. Students may be required to provide written assessment items in electronic form as well as hard copy.It is acceptable to type your name or use an electronic signature in submissions
The Faculty specific Assignment Cover Sheet cover page for the assignment must include:
· your name;
· your facilitator’s name;
· the course; and
· the topic clearly marked on it and
· a statement that your work is your own.
APA Version VI (2010) referencing style as outlined in the student manual is required for all written assignments.
Assessment Penalties
Late submission
University policy is that an assessment item submitted after the due date, without an approved extension, will be penalized at a rate of 10% per day of the possible maximum mark for the assessment item for each day or part day that the item is late. Weekends count as one day in determining the penalty. Assessment items submitted more than five days after the due date will be awarded zero marks.
Exceeding the word limit
Lecturers reserve the right not to assess any assignment in excess of 10% of the stated word limit
Assessment Grades / Percentages
The policy that outlines criteria for distinguishing between grades is provided at:
The criteria provide information about the standard expected for each of high distinction, distinction, credit, pass and fail.
Adverse Circumstances Affecting Assessment Items
Students are required to submit assessment items by the due date, as advised in the Course Outline, unless the Course Coordinator approves an extension of time for submission of the item. University policy is that an assessment item submitted after the due date, without an approved extension, will be penalised.
If you believe adverse circumstances have had an impact on your performance in an assessment item then you may be entitled to apply for special consideration. To initiate an adverse circumstances application you need to use the online form at
Before completing the online form, please read the procedure and the online form itself for further information:
You should be aware of the following important deadlines:
· Requests for extensions of time on assessment items must be submitted via the online application system by 11pm on the due date of the item.
· Requests for rescheduling in-class exams must be submitted via the online application system by the scheduled time of the in-class exam.
· Requests for rescheduling formal exams must be submittedvia the online application system prior to the scheduled date of the exam as listed in the Formal Exam timetable.
· If you believe adverse circumstances have affected your performance during an in-class or formal exam then you must notify the exam supervisor of your intention to submit an adverse circumstances application before you leave the exam room and you must submit that application within 3 calendar days.
· In all cases the required evidence must then be submitted to a Student Hub within 3 calendar days after the submission of the online application.
Academic Integrity and Plagiarism
The Faculty of Business and Law is committed to ensuring academic integrity amongst its staff and students. Academic integrity is based on values of honesty, respect, fairness, trust and responsibility. These values are fundamental to our teaching and learning in the Faculty. Academic misconduct, including plagiarism, copying another student’s work and cheating in exams, is contrary to the values of academic integrity and is not tolerated in the university.
University policy prohibits students plagiarising any material under any circumstances. A student plagiarises if he or she presents the thoughts or works of another as one's own. Without limiting the generality of this definition, it may include:
· Copying or paraphrasing material from any source without due acknowledgment;
· Using another's ideas without due acknowledgment;
· Working with others without permission and presenting the resulting work as though it was completed independently.
Plagiarism is not only related to written works, but also to material such as data, images, music, formulae, web sites and computer programs. Aiding another student to plagiarise is also a violation of the Plagiarism Policy and may invoke a penalty.
For further information on the University policy on plagiarism, please refer to the Policy on Student Academic Integrity at the following link -
Academic Honesty Module
All students must complete the online Academic Honesty Module prior to submitting assignments. This module provides you with a self-paced online quiz to assist you to understand the principles and processes of academic integrity. When you log in to Blackboard you will be able to access the module entitled FBL ACADEMIC HONESTY MODULE PG.
You must tick the box on the Assignment Cover Sheet (Business and Law) to indicate that you have completed the Academic Honesty Module. For students who submit their assignments electronically and who do not provide a signed coversheet, it will be assumed that you have completed the Academic Honesty Module. You can revisit the Module throughout your course, as necessary, to remind yourself of the requirements.For more details on plagiarism, see the Blackboard site “Important University Policies and Academic Honesty Module”.
If you do not have access to this Blackboard site, please email
The policy on Student Academic Integrity can be accessed directly at:
Turnitin is text matching software that is used by the University to assist you with writing and referencing and academic integrity.Further information on Turnitin is available at:
You are required to submit your written assignments to Turnitin and provide a Turnitin ID on the cover sheet of your assignment. You may submit assignments for self-checking anytime prior to the due date, however, the final submission to Turnitin must be the same as the hard copy submitted for assessment. Note that Turnitin requires you to allow 24 hours between each submission.
To check your own work, you may access the Turnitin site through the Assignments area in the Blackboard website for this course.
In cases of alleged plagiarism or collusion, Turnitin reports may be used by lecturers as evidence.
If you are unsure of how to correct your work after submitting to Turnitin, refer to the Academic Honesty Module or to the Infoskills Website:
If you require assistance with Turnitin, please contact:
If you are unsure of how to correct your work after submitting to Turnitin, refer to the Academic Honesty Module or to the Infoskills Website:
Academic Skills Resources
Academic Skills Guide & Student Manual
NBS has a student manual that outlines topics such as assignment preparation, referencing and writing style. To access the Student Manual, simply clickhereor on the Student Manual button in the Blackboard website.
The Infoskills website is also essential for information search, evaluation, assignment writing and referencing:
Learning Development Blackboard Site
To access a wealth of information offered by the Learning Support Program, you can enrol yourself on the Program's Blackboard site. For instructions on how to do this, go to:
Gold Guide to Academic Quality
The “Gold Guide” is designed to assist you to understand and meeting academic requirements, by summarising important points and providing website links. It gives you essential information on the basics of academic writing and critical thinking, essay writing, referencing, business reports, presentations and teamwork. The referencing style in the “Gold Guide” is APA style which is the Faculty standard for Business courses. An electronic copy of the Gold Guide is available at:
Bilingual Resources for Business
Students from other languages should contact the Faculty Librarian for information about bilingual resources. Included below is a link that provides online access to English-Chinese Bilingual Resources for mandarin speaking students. These resources were compiled as business focused resources and include English-Chinese Dictionaries, Online Language Tools, and Databases using Chinese Translation Service and Language Interfaces, as well as End Note tutorials.
Advice on Use of Internet Sites
Cyberspace contains both useful information and traps for the unwary. Unfortunately, many websites do not name the author of the textual material included. This means that the text carries little authority. As with a book or journal article, we need to know “Who wrote this?” and “Where did they get that piece of information from?
Australia:Marketing Management and Planning 代写
Questions to ask about any site on the WWW:
· Is the author named?
· If so, does the site tell you about the author's credentials and experience?
· Can you confirm the information from books, journals or other websites?
· Be aware that the website may be as biased as any source.
· Who owns/runs the websiteand what are they promoting?
· Has the website been updated recently? Is it out of date?
In general, research at University level is NOT based on encyclopaedias or Internet websites. Research essays must be based on data that is the work of acknowledged authors, and on data with verifiable origins. The advantage of academic books and journals is that the material has been reviewed in manuscript form by experts in the field before publication, and has been tested by review in academic journals after publication. Sometimes, however, information of a high quality is posted on websites before publication or instead of publication through regular channels. If in doubt, consult your facilitator before using a website.
Student Grievance Procedure
The University of Newcastle is committed to maintaining and enhancing fair, equitable and safe work practices and promoting positive relationships with its students. All academic matters should be referred in the first instance to the course facilitator or coordinator.
Should this course of action be inappropriate or not be resolved satisfactorily, the student may choose to contact the Complaints Officer. A list is located at:
All administrative matters should be referred to the Operations and Finance Manager, Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the grievance process.
Information concerning student rights/obligations is found in the Code of Ethical Academic Conduct - Policy 000607:
The University's Complaint Resolution Policy can be found at
Rules Governing Postgraduate Coursework Awards
Appeal of Results
Students wishing to obtain further information on or to query the result of a major assessment item or exam result should follow The Appeal Against Final Result Procedure located at "Application to Appeal against a Final Result" form can be found at the following website and should be used in accordance with the above Policy:
Australia:Marketing Management and Planning 代写
Students with a Disability or Chronic Illness
The University is committed to providing a range of support services for students with a disability or chronic illness. If you have a disability or chronic illness which you feel may impact on your studies, please feel free to discuss your support needs with your lecturer or course coordinator.
Disability Support may also be provided by the Student Support Service (Disability). Students must be registered to receive this type of support. To register please contact the Disability Liaison Officer on 02 4921 5766, or via email at:
As some forms of support can take a few weeks to implement it is extremely important that you discuss your needs with your lecturer, course coordinator or Student Support Service staff at the beginning of each semester.
For more information related to confidentiality and documentation please visit the Student Support Service (Disability) website at:
Changing your Enrolment
Information about changing your enrolment can be found at:
Students cannot enroll in a new course after the second week of trimester, except under exceptional circumstances. To check or change your enrolment online, please login to myHub - Self Service for Students:
Census dates
Census dates are the dates by which you must finalise your arrangements for payment of your student contribution or fees. If students are enrolled after the census dates listed on the University's website, they are liable for the full cost of their student contribution or fees for that term.
Census dates are published on the University's website at:
Alteration of this Course Outline
No change to this course outline will be permitted after the end of the second week of the term except in exceptional circumstances and with Head of School approval. Students will be notified in advance on Blackboard of any approved changes to this outline.
Withdrawing from a course
· A student wishing to withdraw from a course must submit a withdrawal form available from the website at
· A student may withdraw without academic penalty on or before the last day of trimester. A failure grade will result where a student does not complete the course requirements and neglects to submit a withdrawal form prior to the last day of trimester.
· A student who withdraws from a course after the Prescribed Census Date shall incur financial liability for the units of study. Prescribed dates for each trimester can be found at:
· A student cannot withdraw from a course after the last day of trimester.
· A withdrawal fee may also be payable.
Please refer to GradSchool's Terms and Conditions at:
Newcastle Business School (NBS):
Location: University House, Cnr Auckland & King St,Newcastle
Telephone: (02) 49218749
Facsimile: (02) 49217398
Faculty Student Services
Location: Student Hubs at Callaghan, Ourimbah and Newcastle City
Telephone: (02) 49215000
Facsimile: (02) 49854200
Phone toll free (within Australia): 1800 882 121
Phone: +61 2 4921 8856
Group Work
TheUniversitypolicyon group workisat:
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Group work facilitates peer learning and encourages you to develop collaborative skills, which can enhance learning by:
· increasing individual understanding;
· learning from one another, and benefiting from activities that require articulation and testing of your knowledge;
· providing an opportunity for you to clarify and refine your understanding of concepts via discussion and rehearsal with peers.
Group work can facilitate the development of generic skills valued by employers which include:
· teamwork skills (skills in working within team dynamics; leadership skills);
· analytical and cognitive skills (analysing task requirements; questioning;
· critically interpreting material; evaluating the work of others);
· collaborative skills (conflict management and resolution; accepting intellectual criticism; flexibility; negotiation and compromise); and
· organisational and time management skills.
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Procedures:SelectingGroups,RolesandResponsibilities,Conduct ofMeetings
Groupmembership will be allocated bytheLecturer. Groups will consistof approximatelyfour members.
Youareexpectedtoactivelymanagetheconduct ofmeetingsandrecordmembers’ contributionsandthedecisions/actionsagreedtoateachmeeting.Clearlydocumented proceduresandagreedoutcomesareasoundprofessionaltoolwhen workingingroups.
èExamplesofbrief,buteffective,groupmeetingminutesareavailableonBlackboard under“Web Resources”.
Theprocessofgroupworkitselfwillnotbeassessed.Itshouldbereflectedbythe outcomesthatthegroupachieves.
Eachstudentwillreceivethesamemarkunlessacaseismadetothecontrary(peer evaluation,meetingdiaryandevidence).Youwillhavetheopportunitytosubmitapeer reviewform attheconclusionofthecourse.
Groups willbemonitoredthroughoutthiscoursebydiscussionofprojectmilestones.
Groupsfunctionbestwheneveryoneparticipatesactivelyinthedevelopment and resolutionofthetask.
However,sometimesyou willneedtoaddresssituationswhereoneormoremembers donotattendmeetingsorcomplete work.Inthefirstinstance, such issuesshouldbe handledwithinyourgroup.
Ifagrievance issue arises and itcannotbe resolved within the group,thenextstep is todiscussthesituation withtheLecturerorCourseCoordinator.Basedonthe evidenceprovided,theLecturerwillmakea decisioninconsultationwith theCourse Coordinatoras towhetherasinglegroup markiswarrantedorwhetherindividual marksareto beawarded.