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英国: Introduction to Computer Programming 代写

浏览: 日期:2020-06-10

CSCI 1010 - Introduction to Computer Programming
Homework #7
Australia: Introduction to Computer Programming  代写
Create an e-Soothsayer application that pretends to give psychic answers to any question put
to it. Validate that each query entered by the user ends in a question mark, otherwise display
an error message. If the question is valid, select and display a response from a list of nine
possible responses that are categorized as affirmative, non-committal or negative:
 It is certain.
 Not sure.
 Ask again later.
 I shouldn't say.
 Certainly not.
Use at least one user-defined function or sub procedure in your solution.
To determine which response to give, use a random number generator selecting from the range 1
to 100. In response to the first question, affirmative and negative answers are returned 33% of
the time each; a non-committal answer is returned 34% of the time. With each affirmative or
negative response, adjust the probability that the opposite type of response will be displayed by
shifting the percentages of the affirmative and negative responses by 2% toward the opposite
type. Regardless of how many more affirmative or negative responses have been given, the
probability adjustment must not exceed 30%. In other words, at maximum differential, one side
will have 63% probability, and the other side will have 3% probability. The probability of a non-
committal response is never adjusted. Once you’ve determined which type of response to give,
you can select another random number from a different range to determine which of the three
responses to give.
Australia: Introduction to Computer Programming  代写
For example, you might have the following exchange:
Question Affirmative
Do I exist? 33 33 34 Yes.
Do you exist? 31 35 34 I shouldn’t say.
Are you real? 31 35 34 It is certain.
Really? 29 37 34 Doubtful.
So? 31 35 34 Not sure.
Turn in a design document containing your IPO and TOE charts, GUI design, pseudocode
and test cases along with your compilable project. Don’t forget to comment your code.
Australia: Introduction to Computer Programming  代写