



Business Intelligence-代写assignment

浏览: 日期:2020-06-10

,Marketing Research(& Information)
Sources:Aaker, Kumar, Day (2007)Bradley (2007)2Business IntelligenceProvide data onBusiness Intelligence |Financial Intelligence| Marketing Intelligence |Accounting Intelligence |Marketing Research| Management intelligence....................Prospects Customers Competition Products/MarketsPrimary Sources Secondary Sources Standardized SourcesCustomer RelationshipMarketing/ Database Marketing3What is Marketing Intelligence?Market intelligence (MI) is, “the process of acquiring andanalyzing information in order to understand the market(both existing and 代写作文potential customers); to determine thecurrent and future needs and preferences, attitudes andbehavior of the market; and to assess changes in thebusiness environment that may affect the size andnature of the market in future.”- Cornish S. L4Types of Marketing IntelligenceAccording to Montgomery & Weinberg 1979(cited in Bradley 2007:11) there are 3 types:n Defensive Intelligencen Passive Intelligencen Offensive Intelligence5Need for Marketing Intelligencen Producers have little direct contact with consumers(geographical distance and channel layers).n Channel has little knowledge about customer attitudes,preferences and changing tastes.n Need to understand competition, without spying onthem.n Management goals involve sales targets and marketshare achievement.n Need to identify successful new product developmentsearly in the论文代写 process to ensure growth and revenuemaximization by finding a balance between costs andprices of products.Domains of MarketingIntelligence7Marketing Researchn Marketing Research, a critical part of MarketingIntelligence helps by providing accurate, relevant andtimely (ART) informationLinks consumer, customer, and public to the marketerthrough information used to:• Identify and define marketing opportunity andproblems• Generate, redefine 代写论文and evaluate marketing actions• Monitor marketing performance• Improve understanding of marketing as a process(from AMA’s official definition of Marketing Research)8Definitions:n Market research¨Specifics related to the market place, mktg,