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留学生医学论文:ANTERIOR CRUCIATE LIGAMENT: ANATOMY, SYMPTOMS AND RECONSTRUCTION TitleAnterior cruciate ligament: anatomy, symptoms and reconstructionBackgroundGeneral introduction. Located in the centre of the knee, the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a strong band of tissue that prevents the shin bone (tibia) from extending excessively beyond the thigh bone (femur). The ACL provides almost 90% of the stability to the knee joint and experiences dramatic surcharges during people’s physical activity. As a result, ACL injuries appear common and usually sports-related traumas. Almost any sport that involves jumping, cutting or twisting has an inherent risk of an ACL rupture. However, in modern medicine these kinds of injuries are especially associated with such events as basketball, football, volleyball, tennis and skiing where the loading on ACL increases in dozens times. Due to the achievements of modern surgery today’s athletes have greater than a 90% chance of returning to their pre-injury level of sports participation.Anatomy. There are four primary stabilizers of the knee, i.e.: ACL, the PCL (Posterior Cruciate Ligament), the MCL (Medial Collateral Ligament) and the LCL (Lateral Collateral Ligament). These ligaments function in concert with the muscles and cartilage of the knee to help control motion. Proprioceptive (nerve) fibers in these ligaments and the capsule of the knee joint augment this control via reflex feedback. The anterior cruciate ligament and the medial collateral ligament are most often injured in sports.A knee without an ACL may show signs of instability, with unsettling episodes of unpredictable knee motion during cutting (running with sudden changes of direction), jumping, or running up or down hills. Such episodes put the menisci ("C"-shaped cartilage rings that serve as bumpers between the thigh and leg bones) at risk for injury. Children and adolescents with anterior cruciate deficient knees will typically end up competing at a lower activity level than pre-injury. Also, despite the use of specially designed braces, additional knee injuries during play can occur.ACL injures occurrence. According to medical statistic, ACL ruptures occur at a rate of 60 per 100.000 people per year in the United States. With society's growing interest in physical activities the scientists expect dramatic growth of ACL related traumas in an early date. As a result, there is a strong necessity to provide an all-round understanding of the ACL injury itself (its anatomy, major reasons of traumas and their prevention, etc.) as well as evaluate the methods that are beneficial in treatment of ACL injuries.BIBLIOGRAPHY:1. Acasuso-Diaz, M., Collantes-Estevex, E. & Sanchez-Guijo, P. (1993). 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