墨尔本作业代写 Leadership challenges and strategies in a post-GFC world
Leadership challenges and strategies in a post-GFC world
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The global financial crisis has exerted a great influence on the economy all over world. In addition, the leadership is facing challenges in a post-GFC world. The greedy people and self-interest driven people has faced the problem of being criticized for this global financial crisis. After the financial crisis, many new leaders are being formed. Furthermore, the leaders exit heroic. They perform in a more innovative and entrepreneurial methods.It is because the tradition method is less effective than the new methods being formed in the future. The way the leaders lead is more complex. Before the global financial crisis, the ethics are being forgotten; In addition, people are self-interest driven. The organizations and managers always forget the importance of people before the global financial crisis. This essay will explore the leadership challenges and strategies in a post- global financial crisis period. Firstly, it will describe the resources discussed about business leadership challenges and possible solutions or strategies that could be used in the post-GFC world. Following this, it will discuss tow challenges faced by business leaders in dealing with the effects of the GFC today. Furthermore, two possible solutions or responses to these challenges will be discussed. Lastly, the innovative leader approaches used by two organizations will be compared and contrasted.
There are some literatures discussed about leadership challenges and possible solutions. As for business leadership challenges, many mangers are aware of the stakeholder pressures. In addition, the social responsibility problem is becoming more and more important. According to Coleman and Pinder (2010), the problem of building credibility with the board is of great importance. The social and environmental reputation is becoming a great issue for the company. The risks on community, environment and social is attached more and more importance. In addition, sustainability is a core issue in the operation process. Before the financial crisis, the financial reports are considered important. However, the sustainability is becoming more important than the financial report after the global financial crisis. According to Voegtlin and Patzer (2012), moral hazard is an important part in the operation process. The influences are external in the firm. The ethics and sustainability are increasingly important. The management of second-order risks is being paid more attention to. Before the financial crisis, it is necessary to keep a corporation on track even the worldwide economy is in depression. In addition, the corporation should function well when the economy is in recovery. However, this view changes after the financial crisis. The executives are focusing more on the former view. It is of great importance for the corporation to keep on track when the whole economy is in depression (Story et al, 2014). As for the possible strategies and solutions that could be used in the post global financial crisis, the international human resource management is an appropriate way for the organizations to solve the leadership problem. According to Voegtlin and Patzer (2012), receiving increased attention can help solve the leadership problem. The construct of global mindset can relieve the problems facing the executives. The global mindset can be set up for human resource management. The whole environment leads to a lot of changes for the executives when leading the company. It is important for the leaders to conduct human resource management (Waddock& Lozano, 2013). The characteristic of employee should be developed and identified. Global mindset is more and more important in the process of human resource management(Coleman &Pinder, 2010).
墨尔本作业代写 Leadership challenges and strategies in a post-GFC world
The whole environment leads to a lot of changes for the executives when leading the company. In this part, the challenges faced by business leaders and solutions for these challenges will be discussed. The business leaders areconsidering how to make ideal return for the share holders in the face of declining financial market performance. The stock value is one of the most important factors. Even facing with international crisis, the staff interests, long-term value, and social responsibility is focused on. Firstly, with the apid growth in emerging markets and mature markets, more and more experienced employees retired. Therefore, if the companies can not discover and train the next generation of leaders, the development strategy of its future will be in trouble. Secondly, the way the leaders lead is more complex. The ethic problem and social responsibility is a main challenge faced by business leaders. Before the global financial crisis, the ethics are being forgotten; In addition, people are self-interest driven. The organizations and managers always forget the importance of people before the global financial crisis. To solve these problems, the benefit of the shareholders, employees and other stakeholders should be balanced. All he relationships should be harmonious. Therefore, the long-term reputation for Wal-Mart can be set up. Secondly, construction of global mindset can relieve the problems facing the executives. The executives can solve the problems in the perspective of globalization. Since the traditional method is less effective than the new methods being formed in the future. The global mindset can be set up for human resource management. They perform in a more innovative and entrepreneurial methods. The ethics and sustainability are increasingly attached great importance to.
It is of great importance for Wal-Mart to ensure the value of the company. At the same time, Wal-Mart should be responsible for the stockholders. They should create value for their shareholders. It is a significant issue for the company to create shareholder value, manage the company well and provide customer services. Growth, leverage and profitability are three key issues for Wal-Mart. Leverage is a kind of learning. The attitude of learning should be expanded to the world. They began to start business in more countries (Starr, 2014). In addition, more new ideas should be created. Wal-Mart encourages their employees to be creative and put forward more innovative ideas. Moreover, the relationships between the employees, stockholders, managers should be balanced. All he relationships should be harmonious. Therefore, the long-term reputation for Wal-Mart can be set up. Another example is Procter and Gamble, the creation of the employees is encouraged. More new ideas should be created. Procter and Gamble also encourages their employees to be creative and put forward more innovative ideas (Du et al, 2013). Besides, teamwork is a key concept in Procter and Gamble. Teamwork can generate more creative ideas and create a more efficient culture in the internal company. When facing with the financial crisis, the management hierarchy is simplified. In this term, the efficiency can be improved. When comparing with these two companies, they all think much of the long-term interest. The long-term reputation should be set up. They take their suppliers and other stakeholders into account. They not only pay attention to the interests of today, but also set up global network of suppliers. It is important that they could not only take the interests of all parties into account, but also can take the interests of all parties into account in the future (Story et al, 2014). As for the difference of these two countries, Wal-Mart attaches much importance to the balanced relationship of the shareholders, employees and other stakeholders. And Procter and Gamble attach much importance to set up the global mindset.
The leadership is facing challenges in a post-GFC world. However, after the financial crisis, many new leaders method are being formed. The leaders are more heroic. The more innovative and entrepreneurial methods they perform. The organizations and managers always forget the importance of people before the global financial crisis. However, after the financial crisis, the traditional ways are being challenged. The social responsibility problem is becoming more and more important. In addition, sustainability is a core issue in the operation process. As for the possible strategies and solutions that could be used in the post global financial crisis, the international human resource management is a suitable way for the organizations to solve the leadership problem. The construct of global mindset can relieve the problems facing the executives. The global mindset can be set up for human resource management. It is important for companies to figure the challenges of leadership in the post-GFC world, and to make correspondent effective strategies will benefit the long-term development of the company and to gain more profits.
墨尔本作业代写 Leadership challenges and strategies in a post-GFC world
Coleman, L &Pinder, S 2010, ‘What were they thinking? Reports from interviews with senior finance executives in the lead-up to the GFC’, Department of Finance, Vol, 20, pp. 7-14.
Du et al 2013, ‘The roles of leadership styles in corporate social responsibility’, Bus Ethics, vol. 114, pp. 155-169.
Starr, K 2014, ‘The Game-changers: exploring radically transformational challenges confronting education business leadership’, Global Conference on Business and Finance Proceedings, vol.9, no. 1, pp. 265-276.
Story et al 2014, ‘Meeting the challenges of effective international HRM: Analysis of the antecedents of global mindset’, Human Resource Management, vol. 53, no.1, pp.131-155.
Voegtlin, C &Patzer, M 2012, ‘Responsible Leadership in Global Business: A New Approach to Leadership and Its Multi-Level Outcomes’, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 105, pp. 1 -16.
Waddock, S & Lozano, J 2013, ‘ Developing more holistic management education: lessons learned from two programs’, Academy of Management Learning & Education, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 265-284.