浏览: 日期:2020-01-13
网课代修:加拿大Introductory Microeconomics quiz代修。
Course Assessment
Type of assessment
Due Date/ location
Assessment 1:
The test will consist of multiple-choice questions.
Room TBA
Assessment 2:
Final Exam
The multiple choice final exam will cover the entire course but more weight will be given to the material covered after the midterm test.
Room TBA
Assessment 3:
MyEconLab (MEL) Assignments
1% for each of the top 10 quizzes
• There are a total of 13 MELs. Only the top 10 will count. Assignments will be completed on-line using MEL software.
• Sometimes MELs will cover material before the lecture covers the material. Preparation should make lectures more fruitful.
• Each assignment MUST be completed by its due date. Due dates are indicated in MEL (during the term) and on the table in this outline.
• You are allowed unlimited attempts per assignment and your grade is the highest of your attempts. Thus, you should try to get perfect on these assignments to be adequately prepared for exams.
• All assignments are to be done individually. Please allow 24 hours for servicing of technical difficulties. Contact Pearson with any technical problems. We have a Pearson ambassador who can be your first point of contact with Pearson for enrolment purposes and the TA will help with the MEL assignments. See Courselink for contact information.
• Any Economics questions about MEL should be sent to the TA whose contact information can be found in Courselink
• If you get 10 assignments perfect then we will shift 2% of the weight from the final to MEL and your grade will be 12/12 on MEL and the final will be worth a maximum of 44%. This will not show in Courselink but will happen when we calculate final grades.
• Refer to CourseLink for instructions about using MEL.
Assessment 4:
PEAR Writing Assignment on CPE
Due Wednesday nights
You will be required to complete one on-line writing assignment: All parts are due at 11:59 pm.
1) By Oct 5th—Submission to Pearson tutor services through MEL—Only one (1) submission allowed. This will give you feedback to revise your work.
2) By Oct 17th—Revise and submit to PEAR and Turnitin (many submissions are allowed up to the due date and time).
Turnitin scores must be less than 20%. You must be in PEAR to get graded. You will receive 2 email confirmations. One from PEAR and one from Turnitin if you did this correctly. Only submit your letter to Turnitin but your entire file to PEAR. Details will be available in Courselink.
3) By Nov 7th —PEAR comments and grades of 5 other writing assignments is due. If you do not do the reviews then your grade in PEAR will be removed from your grade in Courselink after uploading. The comments you give for each of the three components in the rubric should be at least a paragraph long. **You cannot receive a grade for writing the assignment without doing the reviews.** You can only receive your entire grade if you take your part seriously as you grade others. If grades are taken away you will get a comment in Courselink by the PEAR grade indicating why your reviews were insufficient.
The writing assignment should have the following components:
1) It should be a well written letter to a friend or family member about what you are learning from reading Cocktail Party Economics (CPE) using proper spelling, grammar and paragraphs in the tone CPE. The use of slang, short forms etc. should be strategic, as they are in the book. Feel free to be humorous if that is your inclination.
2) It should be between 1100 and 1200 words.
3) It must reference 3 concepts found in CPE. One concept must come from chapters 1-4, another from chapters 5-9 and the last from chapters 9-12.
4) It should outline how and why you have found these ideas to be a) interesting or b) surprising or c) obvious.
5) You should apply these concepts either
a) to your life or
b) to an alternative interesting example not found in the book but would interest your audience.
6) It should reference the page number with (pXX) in text. For example “Now I understand why unionized workers make so much (p 123).”
Contact Evie Adomait if you have difficulties with your writing assignment
Course Resources
Required Texts:
Michael Parkin and Robin Bade, Microeconomics, Canada in the Global Environment, 10th Ed. Purchased new, the textbook is bundled with an access code for MyEconLab (MEL). If you purchase a used textbook, you will have to purchase a stand-alone access code for MyEconLab and Pearson Tutor Services. Note that an access code provides you an electronic copy of the textbook.
Eveline Adomait and Richard Maranta, Cocktail Party Economics: The Big Ideas and Scintillating Small Talk about Markets
Course Policies
Grading Policies
Administrative Issues
• Bring lead pencils, an eraser and your student photo ID to the test and final examination.
• Only use the approved calculator found in the campus books stores.
• Midterm results and answer keys will be posted on Courselink.
• There will be a makeup test for students who have documented medical or compassionate reasons (this includes emails from varsity coaches or high school convocation ceremonies) for missing the midterm. Please check Courselink for details. There are no make-up MEL assignments (remember 3 can be dropped without penalty).
Course Outline, Required Textbook Reading and MyEconLab due dates:
We will cover Chapters 1-15, 17 (excluding chapter 9 pages 216-217, and chapter 17 pages 409 onward) of the textbook. The schedule for the course is posted on Courselink under “Content”. There you will find, for each week, the chapters you must read.
Your professor may not cover every topic or section of the textbook and may present material in a different manner than described in the textbook. You are responsible, nevertheless, for all material assigned in the textbook.