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代写essay。Corporate Governance International

浏览: 日期:2020-06-10

Corporate Governance International
Corporate governance has become an important aspect into the business environment , important international corporations has been involved in scandals , where significant amount of money is missing and investor have been affected .
Important corporations such as: Enron, HIH, Parmalat and Northern Rocks, claimed bankrupt, it is an indication that corporations should be more transparent
In US as a response of those scandals a new regulation called the Sarbanes Act was adopted, where the main objective is to protect the right of investors.
In the European Union, corporate codes were revised by high level group of company law experts (HLG) in 2002 and some suggestion were given.
In this paper four corporations will be analyse (Enron, HIH, Parmalat and Northern Rocks) with the purpose to see where they were wrong and how corporate governance influenced
It seems to be an important issue for the companies’ health. However its definition is not clear as it covers a significant economic phenomena’s, therefore different people give different definitions, reflecting their particulars interest.
OECD says that corporate governance reflects the relationship “between corporate managers, directors and the providers of equity, people and institutions who save and invest their capital to earn a return”. According to Monks and Minow (1995) corporate governance is the relationship along with different participants such as, chief executive officer, management, shareholders, and employees, looking the direction and performance of corporations. Margaret Blair( 1995, p. 19) said “Corporate governance is about "the whole set of legal, cultural, and institutional arrangements that determine what public corporations can do, who controls them, how that control is exercised, and how the risks and return from the activities they undertake are allocated." For this paper I will say that corporate Governance is the system as firms are directed and is related to alignment of information.
From the international point of view, equality, transparency and accountability are all essential concepts for international Corporate Governance. Where equality means that share and stakeholders must received and equal treatment to avoid conflict of interests, transparency is related to the availability of information financial and non- financial; and accountability is seen as the obligation of the board to account the company as corporate body as well as shareholders. In order to ensure those concepts OECD, has promoting to use Corporate Governance specially since 1999 when it was first issued and years later 2004 was revised.
Parts of Corporate Governance
Chief Executive Officer:
Board of directors: make sure shareholders receive stable income, maintaining the balance between interest of the company and shareholders; they suppose to be objective to take decisions.
Management: the organisation strategy is under their responsibility
Shareholders: they can be consider as owners of the company and the source of capital, they delegate decisions to managers through votes
Corporate Governance has gained importance with the wave of recent corporate scandals, now is considered as an international issue, as poor corporate governance performance can lead in undermined confidence in capital markets.
The EU has different systems of corporate governance, reflecting difference cultures and therefore the difference as companies and industries should be financed.
Over the last ten years corporate governance codes has been adopted at international and national level, always having a concern towards shareholders interest
The European Commission revised in 2001 some of the main corporate governance codes by a high level group of company law experts (HLG) this revision finished in 2002 and it concluded that the European Commission has not the necessity to develop an European corporate governance code, this conclusion might indicate that failures at international firms is not directly related to the standards of corporate governance.
The (HLG) observed that there are some differences related to company law, but not to corporate governance, as they showed significant convergence. However the EU play an important part in corporate governance , due that, some principles still need to be add at EU level and the following suggestions should be taken into consideration:
Enhancing Corporate Governance Disclosure: companies should include into their annual report and accounts information about corporate governance, showing the shareholders rights, composition of the board. Institutional investors should disclosure their investment policy.
Strengthening Shareholders’ rights: electronic facilities should be provided to shareholders, hence they can access to relevant information and even vote in absentia.
Modernising the Board of Directors: To avoid conflicts of interests such as remuneration of directors, decisions should be taken by non- executives or supervisory directors and shareholders should have the facilities to observe how the performance of the company is linked to the remuneration of directors, a drastic suggestion, which I agree with, was directors disqualification across the EU in case of misleading relevant information.
Co-ordinating Corporate Governance Efforts of Members States: As it was said before there are some differences within company law, therefore EU must work to coordinate corporate governance through company law.
As It was said before corporate governance is an issue which is seeing as an international matter, it can be seen by the recent developments in the United States, when the Sarbanes- Oxley Act was adopted in 2002, Due to a series of scandals, the Act has affected the relationship between the board of directors and chief executive as well as in auditor relations, it has resolved some potential conflicts with management. “Section 404 of that Act, for example, generally requires that outside accountants attest to management’s assessment of the effectiveness of its internal controls and its internal financial reporting procedures”. This regulation has affected the internal culture and control practice of corporations, as a consequence financial information is more accurate and reliable and investors are more confident. In this point it can be argued that corporate governance in US does not need to improve. However the improvements made so far has had some cost as it has increased auditing costs. It is interesting to see how all those changes on regulations improving market integrity might make US less attractive place for companies. In this point a question arise, are all those improvements really needed to avoid failures at international corporations
by 1989 the company started trading with natural gas, four years later trading with electricity as well as derivate financial contracts, by 1999 the company became global trader of oil, electricity and gas through its new Web site, which allowed to trade globally, the stock prices was about $ 48 per share and the next year it increased to $91. In 2001 Enron vice-president started to send anonymous letters to Ken Lay whom was the CEO, the letters were related to some problems that the company was having with some of its partnerships, such as Raptor.
After the attacks on 9/11 the share price plumed to $28 per share and suddenly the company report the a huge loss for more than $610 million, the investigation by the SEC revealed that the company had been overstating it profits for the last 5 years by $586 million and even its auditing firm Arthur Andersen was called by the SEC , in 2002 criminal investigations by the Justice Department began and others companies such as its bank Merrill Lynch were called to testify, therefore share prices went down even to $0.20.
It seems that the senior executives were the guilty ones. However they said their operations were approval by the board of directors and the board of directors claimed that they rely on it auditing firm, many of Enron’s employees were aware about what was going on with the accountability but just one of them Sherron Watkins in anonymous way informed to the CEO.
On top of that outside organizations were involved such as JP Morgan and Citibank as they provided cash to Enron, these banks managed to do those transactions under operation activities which was supported not only by accounting opinions but also by legal opinions; it can be asked in this point if the revision of accounting balances was done ethical and recognized by managers? Where was the corporate governance? It can be said that with stock prices and return increasing, the board of directors were feeling calm and confident, adding that even the auditing firm was giving good feedback, and therefore they did not have reason to reject those opinions.
One of the reasons for Enron’s’ failure can be when the firm changed its business from producer of energy to global market and trader of energy and even financial products. From my point of view the failure of this company was just the lack of honesty as well as not understanding of business due that when the firm adopted its new operations it needed a vast amount of finance and at the end it was a good as it was forecasted, I think that what really is important is the ethical way as individuals act rather than if regulations are good enough or if they have improved enough, in this case financial reports seemed to being according with accounting regulation the firm was using GAAP and even with corporate governance. Enron board of executives was well structured, with non executive directors, yet a clear leader was not identified and the actions from executive management were not effective. The common US structure, in which the board consists of non-executive directors with only the chairman and chief executive representing management, is potentially vulnerable to manipulation of information to directors.
The board of executives were elected by shareholders, relevant information was given to shareholders, and outside auditing was cheeking the firms’ accounting, and therefore once again I say it was most an ethical issue.
After this big scandal, the Sarbanes Oxley Act has taken important steps related to financial reporting and public auditing firms, section 404 of this Act express: “outside accountants attest to management’s assessment of the effectiveness of its internal controls and its internal financial reporting procedures”.Section 301 express that the outside auditor id not hired anymore by the management or the CFO , hopefully this Act will resolve the some of the conflicts related with management, so far it is seems to be working and not grater action should be taken.
This company was the biggest insurance company in Australia; by 2005 one of the major companies in the HIH group was in liquidation and the deficient of the group “as estimated to be between $ 3.6 billion and $5.3 billion”.It was considered the biggest failure in this country, its board of directors did not have enough ability to check what was had been done, the firm assumed that they needed non executive directors, some mistakes were done related to integrity, when the firm took business decisions based in not fair judgement on top of that the audit committee was weakly structured; as in Enron case there was a lack of transparency when relevant facts were not informed to shareholders such as, the failure of the company in the UK and US. This company failed due to that they assaulted the principles of good corporate governance.
Parmalat consider as a one of the leader of dairy food claimed bankruptcy in December 2003, the corporate governance of the company was compared with many of the most
Important Italian firms .However it did not comply with the standards of Italian corporate governance best practice.
Parmalat group was mostly controlled by the Tanzi family, the structure of this company is not easy to draw (see appendix 1) especially at international level. However, it is common to see within European groups where an investment company controls almost all the voting rights. According to (Becht, 1997; Melis, 1999) the Italian structure allows and encourages shareholders to monitor what senior management do, it could be said that in this way the problem derivate from the relationship between senior managers and shareholders is reduced.
In Italy companies are monitored by two parts: The board of statuary auditors and external auditing firm
The Board of Statutory Auditors
They check that the decision taken from the board of directors are accorded with the law, they must ensure that instructions given from the company to its subsidiaries are adequate to the law. In Parmalat case it was formed by three members, which is usual by Italian companies. The board of statuary auditors never reported anything wrong, not even when some of the minority shareholders claimed to the board of auditors to answer why no any irregularity had been found
The External Auditing Firm
It is selected by the shareholders, but the board of statuary auditors has voice on it, In Italy the rotation of the auditing firms is compulsory, from 1990 to 1998 Grant Thornton Spa. was the auditing firm and then in 1999 Deloitte & Touche S.p.A. took it place, not even the new auditing firm reported inconsistencies, it can indicated that this rotation is not really effective.
If we compare civil law and common law codes in subjects as the best practice its enforceability is lower in civil codes as Italy (Cuervo , 2002). Parmalat seemed to be following the recommendations, such as, the firm had a special structure which had to deal with institutional investors (Preda code, 1999,2002 para 12), auditing firm (Draghi Reform, 1998, Art. 159), the role of the board of directors (Preda code, para 1), the independent directors (Preda code para 3). However, Parmalat did not follow some of the Italian Corporate governance standards such as, the composition of the board of directors and the internal control committee.
The Italian corporate governance standards are not considered as the highest level in comparison with international level, and probably some improvements need to be done. However, it cannot be said that it was the reason why Parmalat failure. This case can be fitted into the international corporate governance and can be compared with Enron, as well as with some European cases.
Northern Rocks Case
Northern Rocks was initially a mutual building society in 2007 it became a bank, adopting as a strategies, securitisation and funding and it was based wholesale money.
In August last year about £3 billion were withdrawn from the bank, It is interesting to see that months earlier the bank had reported a record profit, and its loan loss was good in comparison with the industry. Its problems began when people started to feel unconfident about what is called mortgage bank security which is associated in large part with developments in the sub-prime mortgage (SPM) market in the USA, therefore once the US housing market started to collapse it affected NR, also its business model started to be in question, as its funding were coming from the money market and they lent money not only to local costumers in Newcastle its loans were available in whole UK throughout agents.
The scandal of this bank could be linked to several aspects such as, it was exposed to low probability – high impact (LPHI), deposit protection in UK, Money Market operations by the Bank of England, financial regulation and corporate governance arrangements.
Its business model exposed the bank to the (LPHI) and its supervisors did not have the sufficient rigor, the increased in the European securitisation (see appendix 2) affect the bank as well. In Corporate governance aspect it would be interesting to see if the board of directors really care about the risk of the bank, apparently the board did not have knowledge about the implication to adopt that unique business model, adding there was a failure in monitoring and the way as risk was appreciate.
Northern Rocks scandal was due to different aspects it was not only a corporate governance issue, however some aspects should be analysis such as, the role of the board of directors particularly at monitoring risk.
Corporate governance is an important issue for corporations and the OECD has been promoting its use since 1999, it can be definite as: the system as firms are directed and is related to alignment of information.
In 2001 the European Union started to revise corporate governance codes this revision finished in 2002 with the conclusion that there is not the necessity to develop an European corporate governance code, this conclusion might indicate that failures at international firms is not directly related to the standards of corporate governance. However some suggestions should be taken. There is a convergence between European codes, but this revision observed differences within company law codes
In US after some scandals such as Enron improvement has been done under the Sarbanes- Oxley Act was adopted in 2002, and not greater improvement should be done, the failure of Enron can be said was due to the change of the nature of its business, as well as an ethical issue
In HIH case its failure did not happen because they were in the wrong business, its failure is due to that they assaulted some of the good principles of corporate governance.
Parmalat case can be compared with Enron and some other European cases, but once again its failure was not because corporate governance
In Northern Rocks case its failure happened due to different aspects, the boards of directors did not consider the risk of adopting such unique model business.
All those examples indicate that not greater improvements should be done is relation to corporate governance.
C Yuksel, Recent Developments of Corporate Governance in the Global Economy and the New Turkish Commercial Draft Law Reforms [2008] (3) Available from: [Accessed 4June 2008].
C Coglianese , L Michael, After the Scandals: Changing Relationships in Corporate Governance Available from: [Accessed 4June 2008].
A Gudikunst, Enron - A Study of Failures. Availablefrom: [Accessed 5June 2008]. After Enron - agenda for reform 2002. Available from: [Accessed 7 June 2008].
C Coglianese , L Michael, After the Scandals: Changing Relationships in Corporate Governance. Available from: [Accessed 4June 2008].
A Mardjono, A tale of corporate governance: lessons why firms fail [2003] (20) Emerald .Available from: [Accessed 7 June 2008].
T. Llewellyn, The Northern Rock crisis: a multi-dimensional problem waiting to happen [2008] (16). Available from: [Accessed 7 June 200].
Further Reading
A, Melis., 2005. Corporate Governance Failures: to what extent is Parmalat a particularly Italian Case? Blackwell, 13. Available from: [Accessed 7 June 2008]
Catherine M. Daily, Dan R. Dalton., 1994.Corporate Governance and the Bankrupt Firm: An Empirical Assessment. Strategic Management Journal 15.Available from: [Accessed 6 June 2008].
Claessens,Bruno and Stijn., 2007. Corporate Governance and Regulation: Can There Be Too Much of a Good Thing? Available from: [Accessed 6 June 2008].
Commission of the European Communities, 2003 Modernising Company Law and Enhancing Corporate Governance in the European Union – A Plan to Move Forward.
Corporate governance - the effects of US scandals and UK issues. Available from: [Accessed 4 June 2008].
Corporate Governance and Accounting Scandals. Available from: [Accessed 5 June 2008].
Parmalat Ownership structure: a simplified version [image] Available from:
Appendix 2
2005. European securitisation [image]. Available from: Article/Pdf/3110160103.pdf
重要的公司,如:安然,帕玛拉特, HIH和北岩,声称破产,这是一个迹象表明,企业应该更加透明
在欧盟,企业代码由平高集团,公司法律专家( HLG )在2002年进行了修订,并给出一些建议。
在本文中, 4家公司将看到他们是错的目的,公司治理如何影响分析(安然,帕玛拉特, HIH和北岩)
经合组织说,企业管治反映企业管理人员,董事和供应商的权益,个人和机构,储蓄和投资他们的资本赚取回报“之间的关系” 。据僧侣和米诺(1995)公司治理的关系等不同的参与者,行政总裁,管理层,股东和员工一起,寻找企业的发展方向和绩效。玛格丽特·布莱尔(1995年,第19页)说: “公司治理”的一整套法律,文化和制度安排,确定公共企业可以做什么,谁控制他们,如何行使,控制,以及如何在风险和返回从他们的活动进行分配。 “在本文中,我会说,企业管治是系统作为企业进行指导和相关信息对齐。
欧盟委员会在2001年修订的一些主要企业管治守则由平高集团,公司法律专家( HLG)本次修订于2002年完成,并得出结论,欧盟委员会还没有必要制定一个欧洲的企业管治守则,结论表明,在国际企业的失败是没有直接关系的企业管治标准。
( HLG )指出,有一些分歧“公司法”相关,但不是企业管治,因为他们表现出显着的收敛。然而,欧盟在公司治理中发挥的重要组成部分,由于一些原则,仍然需要在欧盟层面上添加,应考虑以下几点建议:
有人说公司治理是一个问题,这是因为一个国际问题之前,可以看出在美国最近的事态发展,于2002年通过的“萨班斯 - 奥克斯利法案”时,由于一系列的丑闻,法已经影响到了董事会董事及行政总裁,以及核数师关系之间的关系,它解决一些潜在的冲突管理。 “该法第404条,例如,通常需要外部会计师证明管理层评估其内部控制的有效性,其内部财务申报程序” 。这一规定影响公司内部培养和控制实践,因此金融信息更准确,可靠和投资者更有信心。在这一点上,可以说,在美国的公司治理并不需要提高。然而,所做的改进,到目前为止,已经有一些成本,因为它增加了审计成本。有趣的是,看到所有这些变化对法规,提高市场诚信如何可能使美国公司有吸引力的地方。在这一点上出现的问题,都是那些真正需要的改进,以避免故障在国际企业
到1989年,该公司开始与天然气贸易,四年后的电力交易,以及衍生金融合约, 1999年该公司成为全球石油,电力和天然气交易商通过其新的网站,这使得全球的贸易,股票价格是每股48美元左右,明年增加至9100 。在2001年,安然公司的副总裁开始发送匿名信肯莱谁是CEO ,字母相关的一些问题,该公司有一些它的合作伙伴关系,如猛禽。
在9/11袭击后的股价羽至每股28美元,并突然该公司报告的一个巨大的损失更超过$第610笔资料万,由美国证券交易委员会的调查结果显示,该公司已经拔高它的利润为过去5年由$ 5.86亿甚至其审计公司安达信被称为美国证券交易委员会,在2002年由司法部刑事调查开始和其他公司如银美林被召来作证,因此份额价格下跌,甚至0.20美元。
似乎高管们有罪的。但是他们说,他们的业务进行的董事会董事和董事会批准声称,他们依靠它的审计事务所,很多安然的员工是知道什么是要对与问责,但只是其中之一谢伦·沃特金斯以匿名的方式通知的CEO 。
这个大丑闻后,萨班斯奥克斯利法案有关财务报告和公共审计事务所,该法快递404节的重要步骤: “外部会计师证明管理层评估其内部控制的有效性和其内部财务申报程序”第301号没有聘请外部审计了由管理或财务总监,希望该法案将解决一些冲突与管理,到目前为止,这是似乎是工作不刨应采取行动。
这家公司是澳大利亚最大的保险企业,由2005年HIH组主要公司之一,在清算和组“作为估计到是美元之间, 3.6亿美元及5.3亿美元”的缺乏。它被认为是最大的失败在这个国家,其董事会并没有足够的能力去检查已经做了,该公司认为,他们需要非执行董事,以诚信,当企业商业决策中的不公平判决进行一些错误之上,审计委员会弱结构;在安然案件有关的事实时,没有被告知股东,该公司在英国和美国的失败是缺乏透明度。这家公司失败的原因,他们袭击了良好的企业管治原则。
帕玛拉特组大多坦齐家族控制,这家公司的结构是不容易的,尤其是在国际层面绘制(见附件1 ) 。然而,这是一家投资公司,控制几乎所有的投票权的欧洲团体内经常可以看到。 ( Becht的,1997年;梅利斯,1999年) ,意大利的结构允许并鼓励股东监督高级管理人员做什么,可以说,在这样的问题衍生的高级管理人员和股东之间的关系降低。
如果我们比较大陆法系和英美法码的科目作为最佳实践其可执行性是较低的意大利民法典(金快活,2002年) 。帕玛拉特似乎是继建议,例如,该公司有一个特殊的结构不得不面对与机构投资者(普雷达代码,股市88年,91年底第12段) ,审计师事务所(德拉吉改革, 1998年,第159 ) ,作用董事会(普雷达代码,第1段) ,独立董事(普雷达代码第3段) 。然而,帕玛拉特没有按照一些意大利企业管治标准,例如,董事会的组成和内部控制委员会。
在去年8月英镑3亿从银行提取的,它是有趣的,看看个月银行早些时候报告了创纪录的利润,和同行业相比,其贷款损失。它的问题开始,当人们开始感到不自信什么叫抵押贷款银行的安全性,这在很大程度上与相关的次级抵押贷款( SPM )在美国市场,因此发展,一旦美国房地产市场开始崩溃,它影响NR ,其业务模式也开始成为问题,因为其资金来自货币市场和他们借钱,不仅整个剂,其贷款在整个英国纽卡斯尔当地的costumers 。
可能与这家银行的丑闻等几个方面,它被暴露概率低 - 高的影响( LPHI ) ,英国存款保障,由英格兰银行货币市场操作,金融监管和公司治理安排。
其业务模式暴露了银行( LPHI )和监事均未有足够的严谨性,增加在欧洲的证券(见附件2)以及影响到银行。在公司治理方面,这将是有趣的,看看如果董事会真正关心银行的风险,董事会显然没有知识的寓意,采用独特的商业模式,在出现故障的监控和作为风险的方式是欣赏。
后在美国已经做了一些丑闻,如安然改善下的“萨班斯 - 奥克斯利法案”于2002年通过,并没有较大的改进应该做,可以说是安然的失败是由于其业务性质的变化,以及一个道德问题
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