浏览: 日期:2020-06-10
FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING PURPOSE 1. This project should familiarize students with Financial Reporting Standards prepared in accordance with Malaysia Accounting Standard Board (MASB), specifically, with annual reports of publicly traded corporations. 2.This project will give students the opportunity to review the disclosure and practices in reporting the financial statements. MATERIALS AND RESOURCES The objective of this project is to analyze the financial statements of selected company, using the knowledge acquired in Financial Accounting 2. Below are the instructions that should be followed in analyzing the selected company. 1. Choose and obtain the most recent Annual Report for the year ended 2010 of a Malaysian publicly-traded corporation in main board listing. Click on ‘listed companies’ Click on ‘main market’ Click on ‘company announcement ’ Click on ‘annual report’ Choose by clicking‘ by financial year’ Choose and download 1 (ONE) company with the annual report ended 20102. Analyze the presentation of the financial statements information according to the FRS. Click on ‘Our Standards’ Click on ‘ MASB Approved Accounting Standards for Entities Other than Private Entities’ Click on ‘Financial reporting Standards (FRS)Click and download‘ FRS 101 enacted on 1 January 2006 and 1 January 2010’ FORMAT OF FINAL REPORT: Using Microsoft word, 1.5 lines spacing, times new roman font (size 12).INSTRUCTIONS FOR WRITING YOUR PROJECT:A. General Instruction:1. Choose and download 1 (ONE) company with the annual report ended in year 2010.2. Print out the following Financial Statements from the annual report:i)Income Statement (Statement of comprehensive income)ii)Balance Sheet (Statement of financial position)iii)Statement of Changes in quity (Statement of changes in equity)3. Download the FRS101 enacted on 1 January 2006 and 1 January 2010. B .Analyze of TWO different FRS101 (enacted 0n 2006 and 2010). Analyze the differences and the similarities of the presentations of the financial statements from the two FRS 101. C. Analyze the company and explain as follows:Background of company: a. Name of the company b. Activities of the company c. Accounting period d. Language use in annual reporting e. Name and type of auditors (big four or non) D. Analyze whether the company is preparing the financial statements according to the FRS 101 enacted on 2006 or 2010. Justify with the appropriate points based on your analysis in Part B (eg: disclosure of information, format and etc).Note: 1.Please attach a copy of financial statements (Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Statement of Changes in Equity) of the company together with your report. 2. Late submission will be penalized (2 marks for one day including weekend).
财务会计的目的1。这个项目应该让学生熟悉财务报告准则编制的,具体而言,根据马来西亚会计准则理事会(MASB)公开交易的公司的年度报告。 2,本项目将让学生有机会检讨在申报财务报表的披露和做法。材料和资源,这个项目的目标是选定的企业的财务报表进行分析,利用所学的知识在财务会计2。下面是分析所选公司应遵循的指示。 1。选择和取得的最新年度报告,截至2010年马来西亚的公开交易的公司在主板上市。点击'上市公司'点击'主要市场的公司公告“点击”年度报告“选择点击'财政年度点击'选择和下载1(一)公司年度报告截至20102。根据财务报告准则的财务报表信息的分析介绍。点击'标准'点击'MASB批准私营企业点击“财务报告准则(FRS)点击并下载FRS 101 2006年1月1日和1月1日颁布的2010年”格式最后报告以外的其他实体的会计准则:使用Microsoft Word,1.5行间距,Times New Roman字体(12号)编写项目.INSTRUCTIO NS:A.说明:1。选择和下载1(一)公司于2010.2止年度报告。打印出以下财务报表的年度报告:一)利润表(全面收益表)ii)资产负债表(财务状况)III)声明在QUITY变动(股东权益变动表)3。下载于2006年1月1日2010年1月1日颁布的FRS101。 B,分析两种不同的FRS101(0N 2006年和2010年颁布)。介绍两个FRS 101财务报表分析的差异和相似之处。 C.分析和解释如下:公司背景:。 B公司的名称。 C公司的活动。会计周期d。语言使用在年度报告ê。核数师(四大或非)的名称和类型D.分析该公司是否编制财务报表时,根据2006年或2010年制定的FRS 101。证明根据您的分析,在适当的点B部分(如:披露的信息,格式等)。注:1,请附上一份财务报表(损益表,资产负债表及股东权益变动表)公司连同您的报告。 2。迟交将被处罚(2分一天,包括周末)。