1. Proposal Form / Creative Brief建议书/创意简报
Value: 2% towards project grade对项目级值:2%
Due Date: Friday17 August 4pm截止日期:8月Friday17日下午4点
Description: 说明:
A proposal is submitted by the developer to the client for approval before any development. 新西兰作业提交的提案,批准由开发商到客户端之前,任何发展。
This is a working document that can be amended and handed in at the end of the project if necessary. It is referred to as a creative brief in the textbook.
To submit your proposal, please provide the following information. You may print or copy this page and write in the required information. If you need assistance completing this form, refer to ‘proposal form explained’ below.
NOTE: This proposal must be submitted and signed off before work is undertaken.注意:必须提交该提案,并签署了工作开展之前。
Information provided must be in sufficient detail for the client to make their decision to refuse or accept the proposal. 所提供的信息必须足够详细的客户,使他们决定拒绝或接受的建议。
Today’s date: Completion date:
Project Title:
Brief description of project:
Submitted by:
Please answer the following questions as completely as possible. 请回答下列问题尽可能完全。
1. What is the purpose of this project?
2. What do you want to accomplish by doing this project?
3. Deliverables: What will the project deliver as outputs?
4. Constraints: What things restrict your ability to deliver a project on schedule?
5. Assumptions: What assumptions are you making at the start of the project?
6. What should your audience be able to do or what benefit is there for your audience?
7. Who is your audience?
8. What is the topic area you will be presenting/discussing? Use a basic diagram if possible
9. What approach will you use?
10. Copyright statement
Proposal Form Explained
Note: The following is to help get you started filling out the proposal form.
Date that form was filled out AND completion date for project
Can be a working title (one that is used until the actual title is chosen) or the actual title of the project.
Brief Description of project:
A one or two sentence statement about the project.
This project provides an interactive environment for people to learn about their cars.
Submitted by:
Name(s) of the developer or team members.
1. What is the purpose of this project?
This is a one or two sentence statement of your overall goal or vision for this project. It should be concise and clear enough to be understood by people who don't have your insight into the project.
* Think about... How will you know if you have succeeded in reaching your goal?
The goal for this project is to increase peoples', especially women's, knowledge of how a car works
2. What do you want to accomplish by doing this project?
This is a list of at least 3 achievements you hope to gain from doing this project.
By doing this project I will be able to …. …apply skills learnt in class to create a complete Flash application
3. Deliverables: What will the project deliver as outputs? List physical outputs such as reports, files, and storyboards.
4. Constraints: What things must you take into consideration that will influence your deliverables and schedule? These are external variables that you cannot control but need to manage. E.g. Available software, other work commitments.
5. Assumptions: What assumptions are you making at the start of the project? These are often related to the user E.g. The user has Windows XP installed, knows how to use a mouse, has Flash plug-in installed
6. What should your audience be able to do or what benefit is there for your audience after viewing/using your product? (from the perspective of the client)
• This is a one sentence statement for each of the things your audience will do after or each of the benefits your audience will gain from using/viewing your project.
• At least 3 are required, try to make these specific as possible so they can be measured. Also known as objectives.
* Think about... How will you know when the audience has succeeded (i.e., performed or benefited)?
(1) Participants will be able to name the parts of the car located under the hood. (2) Participants will be able to describe the function of each part.
7. Who is your audience?
• This is a description of your target audience. Include age range and other key attributes.
• What are the audience's experience and prior knowledge? What are the audience's current abilities? What are the audience's attitudes and interests? What are the audience's personal characteristics/demographics?
• Do you have more than one target audience?
The target audience for the course "Understanding Your Automobile" has little to no knowledge of how automobiles work. The audience is generally between the ages of 25 and 40, mostly female, often singles or single mothers who work full time. They are highly motivated to learn because of economic and safety factors, but feel intimidated because of their lack of knowledge. Occasionally males and females with some knowledge of automobiles and people with physical limitations take the course.