浏览: 日期:2020-06-10
Status: Individual Not Started (Due February 9, 2013 2:00 PM )
Case Study #2 (50 points) Record and or watch a thirty minute television show that you enjoy watching on a regular basis. Prepare a 2-3 typed double spaced paper by answering the following questions: 1. What was the television show 2. What channel, date and time was it broadcasted 3. Who is the target audience for the show 4. How many advertisements were on during the :30 minute show? 5. Make a chart of the advertisers, a description of the ad and if the product being sold matches the demographic of the show and why or why not Advertiser - Pizza Hut Description of Commercial - Men watching football and they all stop watching the game in the middle of an important play because the pizza is delivered Matches Demographics Yes – the commercial ran during Sports Center before a big game and encouraged the demographics to order pizza 6. Of the commercial watched which was your favorite commercial 7. If you were a media planner what other television shows would you place your favorite commercial – list at least two television shows and give examples why.