I have read and understood the rules on cheating, plagiarism and appropriate referencing as outlined in my handbook and I declare that the work contained in this assignment is my own, unless otherwise acknowledged.
Signed: ......................................................................
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MODULE TITLE: Organisations, People and Performance
MODULE DATE: 9th – 13th November 2009
NAME/NUMBER: ....................................................
GROUP: ..................................................................
Answer ONE of the following two questions.
Q1. Oticon Case Study
a) Complete a Sparrow & Pettigrew strategic framework for Oticon at the time of the changes described in the Tom Peters video programme. Briefly explain the business pressures facing the organisation, the company’s strategic responses and the HR issues that you anticipate these might have generated. (30%)
b) Discuss and explore the changes in Culture, Structure and Work Design in Oticon. (40%)
c) In what ways do you think that the psychological contract would have been affected by the changes described in the case, and what would be the advantages/disadvantages of these effects. (30%)
Your answers should show how you would apply various theories covered in the module to the case study situation, and what considerations and issues might arise in doing so. Illustrate your answers by quoting from the case study as appropriate. You are free to utilise various sources of information for this case study but remember to reference your material appropriately.
Q2. Motivation
By drawing on the theories and models of motivation covered in the module, and through your further reading, create your own unified theory of motivation, linking these models together. If possible, represent this theory in diagrammatic form. Describe some example scenarios to illustrate how your model could be used to understand, predict or influence motivation. (100%)
Answers to either question should refer to psychological theories and principles discussed on the module, and should be supported with references from recommended or other reputable texts. You should complete your assignment in no more than 4,000 words (ideally 3,500-4,000), plus diagrams, tables and other illustrations. Please show the word count in your assignment. All quotations should be clearly indicated and referenced.
To be submitted electronically using the appropriate web-form available from http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/wmg/ftmsc/postmodulework/submissions/ and following the guidelines provided in your handbook BEFORE 09:00 on 04/01/10
1. PMW received after 09:00 will be stamped as having arrived on the next working day.
2. Post Module Work which does not reach WMG by the due date will be considered to be late. Penalties for lateness may be applied at the rate of 3 percentage points per University working day after the due date, up to a maximum of 14 days late. After this period the work may be counted as a non-submission.
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Table of Contents
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1.1 Heading 2 – suggested that you use this for each sub-heading in each question answered 1
1.1.1 Heading 3 – you may use this heading as appropriate 1
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1.1 Heading 2 – suggested that you use this for each sub-heading in each question answered
1.1.1 Heading 3 – you may use this heading as appropriate