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代写term paper新加坡物流管理硕士课程作业

浏览: 日期:2020-06-10

学校国家:挪威 Norwegian是否有数据处理
论文用于:Master assignment 硕士课程作业
At a given point in a road network there a re two alternative routes: a toll motorway and an alternative arterial road. The authorities have observed that at rush hours the queues at the toll plaza to pick up the ticket can spillback until the arterial road generating a gridlock. The maximum queue length before the gridlock is 10 vehicles. Vehicles arrive at the motorway at an average rate of 100 vehicles/hour and the service rate at the ticket counter is of 40 vehicles/hour. The authorities have decides to request from the motorway operator to increase the number of ticket counters in order to not collapse the arterial road with the gridlock. The motorway operator proposes an alternative solution opening a new access ramp to the motorway with an automatic ticket counter on each access ramp able of servicing up to 55 vehicles/hour. The hypothesis is that vehicle will choose with the same probability each access ramp.
•How many ticket counters would be necessary if the solution proposed by the authorities is implemented?•Is it more efficient the alternative proposed by the motorway operator?•Which alternative provides the smaller waiting time for the users?
1.Hints: identify which could be the M/M/…. Model better suited to model the system and find an analytical solution.2.Data recorded for a long time seems to disagree with the modeling hypothesis on arrivals and service times. The Data recorded can be found in File Data-assgnmt-16. Where services are for the first alternative. Using the Data Input Analysis Techniques, what can be said about the agreement or disagreement? Find the distributions explaining better the recorded values.3.Generate samples of interarrival times for telephone calls and duration of calls, of size large enough to test the quality of the hypothesized distributions.4.Design a logical conceptual model of the system in terms of a block diagram as discussed in the course.5.Show how the logical model could be translated in terms of a computational model (likely by hand) and simulate the first 10 events of the process.