浏览: 日期:2020-06-10
Sample 1
Appendix III. Questionnaire on customer survey for Sunny Fitness Center
Dear Fitness Center Members:
Would you like to see some changes and improvements at the center?
Starting next month, I will be doing market research on all visitors to our center. In order to design the best possible questionnaire, I need your input on the kinds of information we should collect in our survey questions. Your suggestions will help me to gather valuable and informed feedback for the future development of Sunny Fitness Center.
It will take only a few minutes to answer the brief questions on this form. Please return it to the front desk as soon as you’ve completed it.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Sincerely yours,
Xxxx Xxx
Personal Information
Department: ________________________ Name: (Optional)
Phone: (Optional) EMAIL: (Optional)
Sex: Male □ Female □
Age: 18-21 □ 22-30 □ 31-40 □ 41-50 □ 51-60 □
What is your job title, and what are your responsibilities at the Sunny Fitness Center?
How long have you worked at the Sunny Fitness Center?
Your responses to the following questions will help determine the focus of our upcoming customer survey! Please tick the options that best represent your opinions. Feel free to add information to supplement your responses.
1.The survey subjects should include:
All visitors □ Frequent visitors □ New visitors □
2.The survey should be conducted during:
Peak season □ Low season □ Year round □ Any month □
3. The best survey method is:
Questionnaires □ Individual interviews □ Group interviews □
4.The survey needs to collect visitors’ views on Sunny Fitness Center’s:
Facilities □ Services □ Instructors □
5. The survey should ask for visitors’ views on:
Fitness market □ Other fitness facilities □ Self-help fitness exercises
6.The survey should evaluate visitors’ knowledge about:
Fitness □ Body-building □ New technology □
7.Feel free to add any points you consider may benefit our market research project:
For the center:
For your department: