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香港essay代写|Comparison Of Effects Of Two Different Ho

浏览: 日期:2020-06-10

Two papers of Çagatay and Neza were researched the connection between hormone and human behavior. Cagatay researched the influence of two different hormone therapies  on mood in symptomaic postmenopausal women(Cagataty,2012). And Neza’s study proved that sex chromosome gene can play the role in sexual differentiation of female sexual behavior(Neza, 2012). Although both two authors researched  the hormone’ influence on the female, the research topic were different. Cagatey studied patients were divided in three groups. The first group and second group were treated with transdermal estradiol and oral norethisterone acetate and oral continuous combination of noretbisterone and estradiol bemibydrate, and the third group was a control group. 
And then through HDRS (Hamilton Depression Rating Scale),  BAI (Beck Anxiety
Inventory) and Kupperman scale assessed menopausal, anxiety and depression of patient. Through this researched methord, Cagatey proved that “transdermal or oral estradiol in combination with norethisterone can improve scores of menopausal, depression and anxiety symptoms in women with symptomatic natural menopause.” Neza through the knokout mice model of SF-2 gene, which refered into adrenal glands and gonads’ development, found out that  sex chromosome genes can affect the sexual differentiation of femal sexual behavior. Two articles proved the connection between hormone and human behavior and two researches were scientific significate. 
Literature review:
At present,  there are a lot of scholars to research the topic. Julianne found out the hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can affect well on the depressed mood among menopausal women (Julainne and William, 1997). Macro found that low-dose, continuous combined estradiol and noretisterone acetate can paly good role on menopausal quality of life in early postmenopausal women. (Macro, 2003). Following this study, he in 2005 proved that the low estrogen dose can play a postive role on the menopausal women who have sleep disturbance ( Macro, 2005).  Greert studied the efffect of the sex chromosomes on the behavior and brain’s sexual differentiatioon and found that sex chromosome genes can contribute directly to the development of a sex difference in the brain. (Greet, 2002). Phoebe found that the sexually dimorphic gene expression between male and female brain always procedes the other gonadal differentiation. (Phoebe, 2003).
The method of two academic paper is to research the topic better. Categy adopted the comparison and contrast ways to analyze the effect of  two different hormone therapies on mood in symptomatic postmenopausal women. The first group and second group were respectively treated with transdermal estradiol and oral norethisterone acetate, and oral continuous combination of noretbisterone and estradiol bemibydrate, compared with the control group which was treated with placebo. And then through HDRS (Hamilton Depression Rating Scale),  BAI (Beck Anxiety Inventory) and Kupperman scale ways, the authour analyzed the results.  At the same time,  Neza through the knokout mice model of SF-2 gene, which refered into adrenal glands and gonads’ development, found out that  sex chromosome genes can affect the sexual differentiation of femal sexual behavior. Two articles proved the connection between hormone and human behavior and two research method were very proper.   
Two researches provided the reliable research result on the connection between homrone and human behavior, which can be regarded as indispensable factors to reinforce its reliability and validity. The findings of two article both showed that the homorne or homorne gene can affect the human mood or behavior. Çagatay found out that two hormone therapies had effect on mood in symptomatic postmenopausal women. Neza proved  that the sex chromosome gene can play the role in sexual differentiation of female sexual behavior. Their dicoveries both proved the important role of homorne on human mood of behaviror, especially for female. The lastest study showen that the humorne not only affect the growth, development and emotional expression of a normal person, but also the balance of every organ system. The most imortant factor is homorne can directly the person’s psychological activity.  According the research, hormone levels remain stable in the male after puberty, while in the body of women,  it appears regular fluctuations. This change can have different effects on human mood or behavior. Through these two authors research, they can provide good example or ways to improve female’ mental health or mood.  In the future, the research on homrone will be studied for being more persuasive and more depth.
1. Phoebe Dewing, et al. (2003). Sexually dimorphic gene expression in mouse brain precedes gonadal differentiation. Molecular Brain Research. 118:1-2, 82-90.
2. Marco Gambacciani, et al. (2005). Effects of low-dose, continuous combined hormone replacement therapy on sleep in symptomatic postmenopausal women. Maturitas, 50:2, 91-97
3. Macro Gambacciani. (2003). Effects of low-dose, continuous combined estradiol and noretisterone acetate on menopausal quality of life in early postmenopausal women. Matutitas. 44:2, 157-163.
4. Greert J. De Vries (2002). keyword A Model System for Study of Sex Chromosome Effects on Sexually Dimorphic Neural and Behavioral Traits. Neuroscience, 22:20,9005-9014.
5. Julainne E. Zweifel and William H. O’Brien.(1997). A meta- analysis of the effect of hormone replacement therapy upon depressed mood. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 22:3, 189-212.
6. Neza Grgurebic, et al. (2012).Evidence that sex chromosome genes affect sexual differentiation of female sexual behavior. Hormones and Behavior, 61:5, 719-724.
7. Cagataty Karsidag, et al.(2012). Comparison of Effects of Two Different Hormone Therapies on Mood in Symptomatic Postmenopausal Women. Archives of Neuropsychiatry 49:39-43
两篇论文的ÇagatayNEZA研究激素和人类行为之间的连接。 Cagatay研究两种不同的激素疗法对情绪在symptomaic绝经后妇女(2012年Cagataty)的影响。和NEZA的研究证明,性染色体基因能性分化的女性的性行为(NEZA,2012年)中发挥作用。虽然这两个两位作者研究对女性激素的影响,研究课题是不同的。 Cagatey研究的患者分为三组。第一组和第二组患者采用透皮雌二醇和口服醋酸炔诺酮和连续口服的noretbisterone和雌二醇bemibydrate的组合,第三组为对照组。
目前,有很多学者研究的话题。 “朱丽安发现激素替代疗法(HRT)可以影响更年期妇女心情郁闷(Julainne和威廉,1997年)。宏发现,低剂量,连续结合雌二醇和noretisterone的醋酸可以播放更年期绝经早期妇女生活质量的很好的作用。 (宏,2003年)。在这项研究中,他在2005年证明,低雌激素剂量可以发挥作用,对更年期妇女有睡眠障碍(宏,2005年)阳性。 Greert性染色体的行为和大脑的性differentiatioon的研究与TGF发现,性染色体上的基因能直接促进大脑中的性别差异的发展。 (欢迎2002年)。菲比发现,两性异形基因表达之间的男性和女性的大脑总是procedes的其他性腺分化。 (楠木,2003年)。
两个学术论文的方法是为了更好地研究主题。 Categy通过比较和对比的方法来分析两种不同的激素疗法对情绪症状的绝经后妇女。第一组和第二组分别给予透皮雌二醇和醋酸炔诺酮口服,连续口服的noretbisterone和雌二醇bemibydrate的组合,比用安慰剂治疗组与对照组。然后通过香港预托证券(汉密尔顿抑郁量表),贝克焦虑量表(BAI)及Kupperman评分量表方式,港航分析结果。与此同时,NEZA通过knokout SF-2基因,它参照了肾上腺和性腺的发展,发现,性染色体上的基因可以影响雌性性行为的性分化的小鼠模型。两篇文章证明激素和人类行为之间的连接和两个研究方法是非常正确的。
两个研究的homrone和人类行为,这可以被视为不可缺少的因素,以加强它的可靠性和有效性之间的连接提供了可靠的研究结果。两篇文章的研究结果都表明的homorne或homorne基因可以影响人的情绪或行为。 Çagatay发现,两种激素疗法有情绪症状的绝经后妇女的影响。 Neza有证明性分化的女性的性行为,性染色体基因可以发挥作用。他们的dicoveries都证明了人类情绪,尤其是对女性behaviror homorne中的重要作用。最新的研究showen humorne不仅影响生长,发育和情感表达的一个正常的人,但每个器官系统的平衡。最imortant的因素是homorne可以直接与人的心理活动。据研究,激素水平保持稳定在青春期后的男性,而妇女的身体,出现规律性的波动。这种变化可以有不同的效果,对人的情绪或行为。通过这两位作者的研究,他们可以提供很好的例子或提高女性的心理健康状况或情绪的方法。在未来,在homrone研究。将更有说服力的和更深入的研究。
1。楠木结露,等。 (2003年)。两性异形基因表达的小鼠大脑中性腺分化之前。分子脑研究。 118:1-2,82-90。
2。马哥等Gambacciani。 (2005年)。低剂量,连续联合激素替代疗法对睡眠症状的绝经后妇女的影响。 Maturitas,50:2,91-97
3。宏Gambacciani。 (2003年)。低剂量,连续结合雌二醇和noretisterone的醋酸更年期绝经早期妇女生活质量的影响。 Matutitas。 44:2,157-163。
4。 Greert J.德弗里斯(2002年)。关键字的一个模型系统研究性染色体性二态的神经和行为特征的影响。神经科学,22:20,9005-9014。
5。 Julainne E.兹威费尔和威廉·H·奥布莱恩(1997年)。一项荟萃分析后情绪低落的激素替代疗法的效果。心理神经。 22:3,189-212。
6。 Neza有Grgurebic,等。 (2012年)。证据表明,性染​​色体上的基因会影响女性的性行为的性分化。激素和行为,61:5,719-724。
7。 cagataty Karsidag,等人(2012)。比较两种不同的激素疗法对情绪症状的绝经后妇女的影响。神经精神科49:39-43