香港代写assignment|New model of tourism development and
浏览: 日期:2020-06-10
[摘 要]:screen tourism is a neater way to define the phenomenon (see also OlsbergjSPI, 2007). This paper contributes to the understanding of the subject by using a structural equation modelling approach to explore some of the issue..screen tourism is a neater way to define the phenomenon (see also OlsbergjSPI, 2007). This paper contributes to the understanding o fthe subject by using a structural equation modelling approach to explore some of the issues induced by an evaluation of visit experiences and the perceived likelihood of repeat visits, generating a range of widely applicable implications for screen tourism destination management and development. Specifically, the paper utilises the findings of empirical research at a micro-level on screen tourists to explore three areas of enquiry. First, the degree to which people are attracted to a location through film connections and the type of visits that emerge from investigative study are explored. Second, the nature of visit experiences is analysed, allowing some consideration of emerging issues for both visitors and the destination. Third, the visitor propensity to return on a future visit is examined. The geographic focus of the research is the Isle of Mull, Scotland, the filming location for the children’s TV show Bala mory. The paper provides an update to an earlier paper published in Tourism Management (Connell, 2005a), which discussed the perception of impacts by the tourism business community on the Island, indicating that the study of visitor perceptions would forma useful future area of inquiry in order to more fully understand the screen tourism phenomenon. Bala mory, while a children’s show, isa key production to study due to the unprecedented increase in visitor numbers that it created, which has now been acknowledged nationally in UK Film Council sponsored research (OlsbergjSPI,2007).2. A developing research agenda By means of a brief introduction to the research context of screen tourism, it is apposite to highlight the major themes with in the tourism research literature, which demonstrate the significance of screen tourism and the need to recognise the implications of associated activities. Studies of the relation ships between film,TV and tourism are relatively new, and in development mainly since the early 1990s given the growing recognition of screen tourism as an identifiable phenomenon. The major themes are asfollows:2.1. Identification of screen tourism activity The earliest screen tourism studies (see Butts, 1992; Riley & Van Doren,1992; Riley et al.,1998) established the existence of this form of tourism, highlighted relevant issues and initiated further research. More recent research highlights the occurrence of screen tourism through case examples throughout the world (Beeton,2005; Mintel, 2003). Initially, most screen tourism research focused on activity in USA, UK, New Zealand and Australia, although research activity has widened to mainland Europe and Asia, reflecting the spread of the phenomena on. 2.2. Impacts of screen tourism on host destinations The emphasis of a great deal of screen tourism research to date lies within the cluster of research focusing on destination impacts. Central to this strand is the principle of managing destination impactsto gain maximum economic benefit while minimising culturaland environmental damage, community disturbance,disruption of longer-term tourism products and markets, and resident well-being (see Beeton, 2005, 2004, 2001; Con)
[摘要]:屏幕旅游业是一个简洁的方式来定义现象(也见,2007 OlsbergjSPI)。本文有助于理解这个主题,通过结构方程建模的方法来探索一些问题..屏幕旅游业是一个简洁的方式来定义现象(也见,2007 OlsbergjSPI)。本文有助于了解办分期付款须采用结构方程建模的方法来探索评价的访问体验和感知的重复访问的可能性引起的一些问题,产生了一系列影响广泛适用屏幕的旅游目的地管理和的发展。具体来说,本文采用实证研究的结果在屏幕上的游客到微观层面探讨三个方面的查询。首先,在何种程度上通过薄膜连接的位置和类型的访问,从调查研究中出现的人被吸引到了探索。二,性质的访问体验进行了分析,允许一些新出现的问题考虑游客和目标。三,游客倾向在未来的访问返回检查。研究的重点地区的岛马尔,苏格兰,摄制地点为孩子们的电视节目巴拉MORY的。该文件提供了更新旅游管理(康奈尔,2005年),讨论了社会上岛旅游业务的影响感知到一个较早的论文发表,表明游客感知研究会备考有用未来区域查询更全面地了解屏幕的旅游现象。巴拉程序存储器,而小孩子的展示,ISA主要生产研究由于前所未有地增加游客人数,它创建,现已被国家承认,在英国电影协会赞助的研究(OlsbergjSPI,2007年).2。一个发展的研究议程通过屏幕旅游业研究上下文简要介绍,它是适当的,突出两大主题,在旅游研究文献,证明屏幕旅游业的意义和需要认识到相关活动的影响。于电影,电视和旅游之间的关系的研究是相对较新,在发展,主要是因为20世纪90年代初屏幕旅游业作为一个可识别的现象日益认识。的主要议题如下:2.1。屏幕识别旅游活动最早的屏幕旅游业研究(见巴茨,1992;莱利凡多伦,1992年,莱利等人,1998)建立这种旅游方式的存在,强调了有关问题,并发起进一步的研究。最近的研究突出屏幕旅游业通过在世界各地的案例发生敏特(比顿,2005年,2003年)。最初,大多数屏幕旅游的研究主要集中在美国,英国,新西兰和澳大利亚的活动,虽然研究活动已扩大到欧洲大陆和亚洲,反映的现象蔓延。 2.2。屏幕主机目的地旅游业的影响很大的屏幕旅游研究的重点在于集群内的研究侧重于目标的影响。这个链是中央的原则管理目标造成影响增益最大的经济效益,同时最大限度地减少养殖与环境破坏,社会长期的旅游产品和市场的干扰,破坏,居民的福祉(见比顿,2005年,2004年,2001年体质)