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美国Supply Chain Management代写案例

浏览: 日期:2020-01-13

  本文是美国University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Supply Chain Management paper代写案例


  216-370 Introduction to Supply Chain Management - Spring 2019

  课程说明:本课程介绍SCM(供应链)中采用的基本概念和策略管理)。 主要重点是加深对SCM的战略,战术和运营问题的了解,并熟悉各种SCM实体的集成。 注意:本课程将使用Excel电子表格。

  目标:1.概述供应链管理的概念和策略。2.了解供应链中不同流程的协调和整合。3.通过选定的供应链模型建立解决问题和分析的技能。教科书:供应链管理:Sunil Chopra和Peter Meindl撰写的《战略,计划和运营》,第7版或旧版,Prentice Hall。该教科书是本课程要涵盖的材料的基础,并将在适当时通过外部阅读加以补充。电脑存取:本课程是使用D2L开发的。它将完全在线交付。学生将使用他们的UWM用户名和密码登录该课程。如果您在课程现场遇到任何技术困难,则可以致电414-229-4040与技术服务台联系,或在上获取更多信息。帮助台的技术人员经过培训,可以回答有关电子邮件到D2L问题的所有问题,并且他们的帮助是免费的。

  通讯技术D2L具有内置的通讯工具,例如消息,公告和电子邮件存档,可用于交互和通讯。在学期中可能还会使用一些外部通讯工具,例如常规电子邮件。注意:您有责任阅读所有发布的公告,消息和电子邮件,并应定期检查。等级:您在本课程中获得的分数旨在证明您对课程材料的熟练程度。课程成绩将是对以下内容的加权评估:考试1:20%考试2:20%考试3:20% 作业:40%-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ 总计:100%注意:作业(包括截止日期)已发布在D2L上。最终字母等级将由以下等级表决定。

Final Course Letter Grade

Final Course Grade




>=90% but <93.33%


>=86.67% but <90%


>=83.33% but <86.67%


>=80% but <83.33%


>=76.67% but <80%


>=73.33% but <76.67%


>=70% but <73.32%


>=60% but <70%



  Homeworks and exams:

  There will be seven homeworks and three exams in this course. Below is the detailed schedule. All homework questions have been on D2L.

  Homework Homework due date

  HW1 Feb. 14 (11:59pm)

  HW2 Feb. 21 (11:59pm)

  HW3 Mar. 14 (11:59pm)

  HW4 Mar. 28 (11:59pm)

  HW5 April 4 (11:59pm)

  HW6 April 25 (11:59pm)

  HW7 May 2 (11:59pm)

  每个作业的解决方案将在到期日之后的两天内发布在D2L上。 考试(在线)日期考试1:随时在2 / 27、2 / 28、3 / 1和3/2上考试2:任何时候在4 / 10、4 / 11、4 / 12和4/13上考试3:在5 / 15、5 / 16、5 / 17和5/18上的任何时间所有三项考试都将使用D2L,并且每项考试都可以在四天的考试窗口(0:00 am – 11:59 pm)中随时进行。该考试将使用多项选择题,涵盖定量和概念性问题。我假设所有学生都可以使用D2L测验。如果没有,请立即研究如何使用它。如果对此有任何疑问,请致电414-229-4040与UWM帮助台联系,或访问。要获得使用D2L的在线帮助,请查看STUDENTS [成绩单]的新版本预览以及参加在线测验的学生指南。除了以下四个原因(由医学或其他适当的文件支持)之外,将不进行补考。您必须至少在考试前两天通知我,并提供证明文件。一种。参加授权的大学活动。b。由于疾病而禁闭,在医生的照顾下。C。直系亲属死亡。d。参加要求您在场的法律诉讼。这项政策将得到严格执行-没有例外。没有正当理由的任何人都将在考试中得到零分。

  Tentative Course Content

Chap 1:   Introduction to supply chain management

Chap 2:   Supply chain performance

Chap 3:   Supply chain drivers

Demand Forecasting in a supply chain

Decision Theory

Optimization (linear programming)

Chap 11:  Cycle inventory  

Chap 12:  Safety inventory  

Chap 13:  Product availability with uncertain demand

  Exam 1 (1-hour) would cover Chapters 1, 2, 3, Forecasting.

  Exam 2 (2-hour) would cover Decision Theory, Optimization, and Chapter 11.

  Exam 3 (1-hour) would cover Chapters 12 and 13.


  All the homeworks/exams have to be submitted into the D2l dropbox. No email submissions will be accepted

  All homeworks to be worth 10 points

  All the homeworks/exams have to be submitted into the D2l dropbox by the due date. Late submissions 20% off- will be graded out of 8 points

  Late submissions dropbox will be active for 1 day after the deadline

  Write-up assignments are based on keywords, structure, presentation

  Calculation assignments are based on data representation, analysis, calculation steps , final answer & presentation

  No change in grades or submissions to be accepted after the solution has been posted

  · All exams will be on D2L as multiple-choice, true/false questions quizzes

  · Online class needs students to be more “independent and self-studied”. So, in case any student is not used to it, he or she is advised to drop as early as possible.

  Other Information:

  Statement of Academic Misconduct

  Chapter UWS 14, entitled “Student Academic Disciplinary Procedures,” of the Wisconsin Administrative Code contains rules enacted by the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents that apply to all University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee students. Section 14.01 states, “The Board of Regents administrators, faculty, academic staff and students of the University of Wisconsin System believe that academic honesty and integrity are fundamental to the mission of higher education and of the University of Wisconsin System. The University has a responsibility to promote academic honesty and integrity and to develop procedures to deal effectively with instances of academic dishonesty. … Student who violate these standards must be confronted and must accept the consequences of their actions.”

  Statement of Sexual Harassment

  Sexual harassment is reprehensible and will not be tolerated by the University. It subverts the mission of the University and threatens the careers, educational experience, and well being of students, faculty, and staff. The University will not tolerate behavior between or among members of the University community which creates an unacceptable working environment.

  Discriminatory Conduct

  The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee remains steadfastly committed to the principles of academic freedom. This commitment requires an equally strong obligation to foster respect for the dignity and worth of each individual. Without this respect, the principles of academic freedom become meaningless. Moreover, relationships such as student-faculty and employee-supervisor have inherent power differences that compromise some persons’ ability to protect their own rights. Therefore, this University must provide an environment that respects the value of each individual and which does not tolerate discriminatory conduct of any kind.

  University Policies Regarding Change of Registration/Adding and Dropping or Withdrawal from Classes

  After initial registration, students have the opportunity to modify their class schedule by adding, dropping or withdrawing from classes during specific periods prior to the start of the semester. Such changes can be made without financial penalty until shortly before the start of the term (or before the start of a particular summer session). However, significant financial penalties can apply for changes made beyond the appropriate deadline, and some departments have unique deadlines and approval requirements governing how and when students may add and drop particular courses. Some academic programs also require their students to obtain specific approval for adding or dropping courses. Consult the most recent Schedule of Classes for dates, deadlines and procedures or contact the Business School Undergraduate Student Services office.

  University Policies Regarding Repeating Courses

  Unless a restriction is stated in the Schedule of Classes, undergraduates may repeat any course only once. Under exceptional circumstances, one more repeat may be allowed following approval of a written appeal to the advising office of the student's school or college. Except in the case of courses with variable content (which may be repeated for credit as often as permitted for that particular course, as specified in UWM Bulletins), both grades earned for repeated courses will appear on the student's academic record, but only the higher grade will be calculated into the grade point average. Students illegally repeating courses will be dropped, and "WR" will be assigned to the course on the student's academic record.

  Students who took a course as a repeat prior to Fall 1988 are entitled to one additional enrollment. Transfer students who did not previously take a course at UWM are entitled to one repeat at UWM of a course taken at a previous institution.

  In courses of limited enrollment, qualified students who have not taken the course previously have priority. It is generally advisable for any student to consult an advisor before registering to repeat a course.

  University Policy Regarding Incompletes

  You may be given an incomplete if you have carried a subject successfully until near the end of the semester but, because of illness or other unusual and substantiated cause beyond your control, have been unable to take or complete the final examination or to complete some limited amount of course work. An incomplete is not given unless you prove to the instructor that you were prevented from completing the course for just cause as indicated above.

  Since Fall 1988, undergraduates have been required to complete a course marked incomplete during the first eight weeks of the next semester of enrollment (excluding summer sessions). An extension to the end of the semester is possible if extenuating circumstances prevent you from completing the required course work during the first eight weeks.

  Extensions must be recommended by the instructor and approved by the dean of your school or college. If you do not remove the incomplete during the first eight weeks of the next semester of enrollment, the report of I will lapse to F. Audits will lapse to U. Credit/No Credit will lapse to No Credit. If you do not enroll for the next semester, the report of I will lapse to W (withdrawal) after one year.

  University Change of Grade Policy and Procedures

  The following is from UWM Faculty Document No. 1927, May 12, 1994, entitled “Policies on Grading and Grade Records”. Grade or Record Changes. Instructors may not change a semester grade after the grade sheet has been submitted to the Registrar except for an inadvertent error in determining or recording the grade. Any change in a student’s grade or record, including retroactive change to drop, withdrawal, or incomplete, must receive the approval of the Dean of the School or College in which the student was enrolled at the time the course was taken.