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代写paper:Ellen Weinstein’s Art W

浏览: 日期:2020-01-13


  首先,《镰状细胞男孩》有着深刻的意义,因为作者描绘了患有镰状细胞疾病,血液疾病的男孩。我问自己为什么Ellen Weinstein决定描绘他。答案很简单:这种疾病主要见于非裔美国人,但也见于其他种族人群。在插图中,我看到了非洲男孩和红蛇试图杀死他。他痛苦的表情反映了疾病的痛苦和痛苦。当一个人没有足够的红血球时,这条红蛇被认为是贫血的象征。艾伦·温斯坦试图在病人疼痛时表达她的想法,他应该得到并且应该接受有效的止痛药。一些博客使用这张图片来写有关这一疾病的文章。Roni Caryn Rabin写的博客《减轻镰状细胞疾病的痛苦》就是这样一个例子。它发表在《纽约时报》上,可以引起人们对这一医学问题的关注。

  Secondly, the art piece 8 most common food allergens are also related to a health state of children. It describes the ingredients which are responsible for allergic reactions, including eggs, fish, milk, legumes, shellfish, soy, tree nuts, and wheat. The allergenic group is often mentioned as the Big-8. Symptoms of such reactions consist of wheezing, coughing, watery eyes, hives, vomiting, and diarrhea. The author expresses her ideas that an increase of food allergies in kids has changed the American society. It is very important to distinguish the allergy ingredients among food components. The illustrator paints a glass bottle where it is possible to see inside all allergens. For the illustration background, Ellen Weinstein chooses a red color to emphasize a significance of the question. It is an interesting fact that later Ellen Weinstein created the illustration called as Linked to allergies where she revealed additional elements caused allergies. These are antibiotics given to infants, toxicants, and baby formula.