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浏览: 日期:2020-01-13

Lenovo- Global recognition联想的全球认可度
Lenovo, a private Chinese computer company back then is now a global brand in the industry,marking a success in Chinese companies’ global expansion.
Lenovo brand came intoexistence only in December 2004 after acquiring IBM’s PC unit for .75 billion madeheadlines around the world (Gao, 2007). Today, Lenovo is a personal technology companyand the world’s second largest PC vendor which worth $US 21 billion operating in more than60 countries and serving customers in more than 160 countries (Lenovo, 2012). “Ten yearsago, Lenovo’s participation in the international market was just like taking part in the Paralympics, with various tariffs and other obstacles preventing its internationalizationprocess,” said Liu Chuanzhi, Lenovo’s former chairman, “Things have changed, however,now we are on a racetrack of real Olympic Games,” (Xinhua News Agency, 2005). HowLenovo achieved this remarkable success? Innovation is their core value in the business;Lenovo owns the greatest track record for innovation in the PC industry and remainscommitted to innovation in its products and technology while delivering high quality,reliability and durability to meet customer’s demand (Lenovo, 2012).Globalization全球化 Globalization was defined as a trend of the world’s economies becoming borderless andinterlinked that allows businesses to expand beyond their domestic boundaries that assist inseeking opportunities for business growth through market diversification (Parboteeah &Cullen, 2011).
Besides, Globalization often offered new markets for company while the trendof international trade and investment tend to grown at a faster rate than domestic economies(Czinkota, Ronkainen, Moffett, Ang, Shanker, Ahmad and Lok, 2009). In other words,globalization is accompanied by more variety of products, corporation longevity, moreresources, more advanced technologies, and more promises to customers, which automaticallystrengthen the brand associations and awareness (Wang, Wei and Yu, 2008). Lin and Kao(2004) identified branding strategy as a key element in the marketing mix is viewed as apowerful tool to achieve sustainable competitive advantage in this era of global marketing.Meanwhile, Keller and Aaker (1992) also suggested that perceived quality of the core brandimpacts evaluations of proposed new extensions, which is also significance for globalization. Identification of Gaps差距 There is insufficient research done on Li-Ning’s strategic capabilities in global expansion inthe literature.
Despite knowing that Nike being the only competitor for Li-Ning Chinesemarket, but little effort was done as to compete Nike brand in global settings. What are thefactors that impact on Li-Ning global image? Will the influencing factors be related internally(strategic capabilities) or externally (brand equity) of Li-Ning business scope and its businessenvironment? These factors cannot be justified due to lack of information in the literature andthis became a knowledge gap and therefore it justify the importance of our research。
Research Questions1. What are the challenges of Li-Ning going global?
2. What is the best way for Li-Ning going global?
Research Objectives研究目标
1. To determine the challenges of Li-Ning going global.要确定李宁面临的挑战
2. To identify the best way for Li-Ning going global.2.7 Research Propositions1. The main challenge of Li-Ning going global is consumer’s perception towardsChinese brand.2. The best way for Li-Ning going global is both internally and externally adjustment.3. Research MethodologyResearch Methodology outlines how we conduct our research which spells out the researchparadigms, primary data collection, data analysis and ethical issues.
3.1 Research ParadigmsAs Patton and Applebaum (2003) mentioned, there is no universal paradigm that indicates thebest way to conduct research. Therefore, Guba and Lincoln (1994) suggested it is importantfor the researchers to choose an appropriate paradigm which can provide guidelines andprinciples in accordance to how the research is been carried out. There are many paradigms toguide research and a typology of these is illustrated in Figure 3.1.