



澳洲assignment代写|Coastal Defence

浏览: 日期:2020-06-10

Trace the History of Coastal Defence in the UK.

Coastlines display enormous diversity. This is due to the variety and complexity of the factors influencing coastal morphology. In very general Davisian terms, any shoreline is a product of “structure, stage and process”. In other words, in analysing any shoreline, one must take into account structural factors such as the arrangement of different rock types and their resistance to wave attack and solution, as well as other geological considerations such as the angle of dip and pattern of bedding and jointing of sedimentary strata, The form of any shoreline is also a product of its age and the stage reached in its evolution; that is to say, one must take into account former geological processes and earlier changes of climate and sea-level which may have produced particular features of the present coastline. Finally, the contemporary processes of coastal erosion and deposition operating on the shoreline are obviously important in determining its form, as are various other physical, chemical and biological processes operating above the tidal zone, together with human activity which is a rather specialized but important cause of coastal change. The multiplicity of factors involved and their local variations result in a wide variety of coastal landforms. Thus, “even within the small compass of Britain, one can contrast sinuous inlets of the South-West, the great sea lochs of Scotland, the low glacial coastline of East Anglia, the marshes of the Thames Estuary and the imposing chalk and limestone cliffs of the south coast” (Goudie, 1993).

It has frequently been argued that systems of classifications are simply aids to description and understanding. By reducing large bodies of information down to a relatively small number of categories, order is imposed on apparent chaos, complexity is reduced to relative simplicity, and description and analysis are thereby facilitated. For these reasons, geomorphologists have long been interested in reducing the variety and complexity of coastal landforms to a relatively small number of distinctive types. C.A.M. King (1980) has suggested that systems of coastal classification are of two types, descriptive and genetic, and argues that the genetic type is preferred, as it is important to know something of the origin of present coasts. She has also suggested that systems of coastal classification ought to take three factors into account; first, the form of the land surface against which the sea is resting; secondly, the direction of the long-term movement of sea-level relative to the land; thirdly, the modifying effects of contemporary marine processes.

Probably the earliest system of coastal classification was that proposed by E. Suess in his book “The Face of the Earth” (1888). This was based on the form of the land surface against which the sea is resting, and simply divided the world’s shorelines into Atlantic and Pacific types. In the former, structural trends are supposed to run at right angles to the coastline, while in the latter, structural trends are supposed to run parallel to the coast. Such a scheme is obviously very generalised and of no value for application to small areas. A less generalised system of classification was that proposed by the American geomorphologist, D.W. Johnson, in his book, “Shoreline Processes and Shoreline Development” (1919). This was based on the second of the factors mentioned by C.A.M. King (1980); namely, the movement of sea-level relative to the land. Thus, Johnson identified four main categories of coastline: submerged coasts, emergent coasts, neutral coasts, and compound coasts. These main categories are then sub-divided where appropriate (Figure 1).

1) Submerged Coasts
a) Ria coasts
b) Fjord coasts
2) Emergent Coasts
3) Neutral Coasts
a) Delta coasts
b) Alluvial plain coasts
c) Volcanic coasts
d) Coral reef coasts
e) Fault-line coasts
4) Compound Coasts (any combination of the above types) e.g. Ria coast with fronting offshore bars (considered by Johnson to be evidence of a coast which had first undergone submergence followed by emergence).

Figure 1. D.W. Johnson’s System of Coastal Classification

Johnson’s system of classification was criticised for its inadequate treatment of emergent coasts. In this group Johnson only recognised coasts with a broad flat coastal plain, such as that of the Eastern United States, and made no reference to steep emergent coasts of the type found in Western Scotland. It has also been suggested that another problem with Johnson’s scheme is that, if strictly applied, virtually all coasts are of the compound type found in Western Scotland. It has also been suggested that another problem with Johnson’s scheme is that, if strictly applied, virtually all coasts are of the compound type. That is to say, at some time in their history, almost all coasts will have been affected by both positive and negative movements of base level.

Another approach is that of F.P. Shepard whose “Revised Classification of Marine Shorelines” (1945) placed greater emphasis on contemporary shoreline processes rather that the evidence of former emergence or submergence. Thus, Shepard makes a broad distinction between Primary or Youthful Coasts shaped primarily by non-marine processes, and Secondary or Mature Coasts shaped primarily by marine processes (Figure 2).

1) Primary or Youthful Coast (shaped primarily by non-marine processes)
a) Shaped by terrestrial erosion and then drowned 
e.g. Ria coast, Dalmatian coast, fjord coast, etc.

b) Shaped by terrestrial deposition 
e.g. Delta coast, dune coast, mangrove coast, etc.

c) Shaped by volcanic activity 
e.g. Coast of volcanic deposition, volcanic explosion coast.

d) Shaped by diastrophism 
e.g. Fault scarp coast, fold mountain coast
2) Secondary or Mature Coast (Shaped primarily by Marine processes)
a) Shaped by marine erosion
e.g. Coasts made more regular by erosion, coasts made less regular by erosion.

b) Shaped by marine deposition
e.g. Sand spits, cuspate forelands, barrier reef coasts, etc.

Figure 2. F.P. Shepard’s System for Coastal Classification

Shepard’s scheme has been criticised for failing to include a category for emergent coasts. Another problem is that of knowing when a coast moves from the Primary to the Secondary category. Often it is no easy matter to assess whether a particular section of coast is predominantly a product of marine or non-marine processes. In any case, coasts are subject to short-term changes, and a period of erosion and recession may be followed by one of deposition and advance.

In order to deal with these problems and the limitations of earlier schemes of classification, a more sophisticated proposal was made by H. Valentin in “Die Kuste Der Erde” (1952). His system was based on the contemporary advance or retreat of the coast. Each of these two main categories was then subdivided according to the causes of advance (i.e. emergence or deposition) and the causes of retreat (i.e. submergence or erosion).

This brief review of a selection of schemes of coastal classification has served to highlight some of the problems involved. Early proposals tended to be descriptive, inflexible and incomplete. In contrast, Valentin’s scheme emphasises the dynamic nature of coastlines, and provided data are available for rates of change, allows for a more precise and scientific classification. It is probably the most useful system of classification proposed to date. Before moving onto to some of the specifics of coastal defence in the UK it is useful at this conjunction to examine the institutions and policies which have been, and still are, tackling the complexities surrounding coastal management in terms of coastal defence.

Land Drainage is defined under the Water Resources Act 1991 (amended by the Environment Agency Act 1995) to include defence against water, warping, irrigation, and the continuation of any other practice that involves the management of the level of water in a watercourse (Clark, 1996). The term has evolved alongside the divisions that manage its policy and operations. The Land Drainage Branch of the Board of Agriculture was responsible for land drainage and sea defence works from 1889, when it assumed control of the work carried out by the Land Commission of England that had been established under the Land Drainage Act 1861. The Land Drainage Act 1926 re-allocated certain powers in relation to land drainage from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, to county councils and county boroughs. The Land Drainage Act 1930 unified the various river catchment boards and drainage boards concerned with land drainage and sea defence, established a Land Drainage code of law, and increased funding available to the land drainage authorities. The Commercial, Land Drainage and Rural Life Division of the Ministry changed to become the Land Drainage, Publicity and Rural Life Division in 1935, and then the Land Drainage Division in 1938. This division focused solely on land drainage and sea defence issues, before it expanded to become the Land Drainage and Water Supply Division in 1944, and again in 1959, when it became the Land Drainage, Water Supply and Machinery Division.

Responsibility for flood protection and land drainage continued to shift, and in 1984 was held by the Land Drainage Division; in 1986 by the Flood Defence and Land Sales Division; and in 1989 by the Flood Defence Division. A Flood and Coastal Defence Division was established in 1993 within the Environment Policy Group of MAFF's Countryside, Marine Environment and Fisheries Directorate. By 1997, as a result of reorganisation within MAFF, it had been transferred to the Regional Services and Defence Group of the Agricultural, Crops and Commodities Directorate. Around 1995 it absorbed an Emergency Unit dealing with emergency planning in relation to national food supplies, and became known as Flood and Coastal Defence with Emergencies Division (FCDE) (Defra, 2005).

Until MAFF's replacement by DEFRA in 2001 (the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs was created in June 2001 from the then Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF) and from the environmental and countryside business areas of the then Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR)), FCDE ran MAFF's flood and coastal defence programme. The National Assembly for Wales (exercising powers formerly held by the Welsh Office) worked with MAFF to monitor the progress made towards reaching policy objectives. These aimed to minimise flooding and coastal erosion in England and Wales, and to reduce the associated risks to people and the developed and natural environment. The Division was responsible for the following in England:

  • Providing grants to operating authorities (the Environment Agency, internal drainage boards and local authorities) towards the capital costs of flood and coastal defence projects and warning systems. MAFF provided over 50% of the annual eligible expenditure on capital schemes.
  • Overseeing the work of authorities responsible for flood and coastal defence.
  • Publishing advice and guidance for operating authorities.
  • Funding a research programme on flood and coastal defence issues.


The evolving understanding of coastal dynamics together with a political framework for action aided local authorities in the UK to undertake appropriate schemes of work where necessary. How these interactions have manifested historically in coastal defence schemes can be traced in Havant Borough Council.  There was an increasing popularity in the Eastoke Peninsula as a residential area from the early 1920's. This popularity manifested itself in the building of beach huts and bungalows, which were developed from the 1930s along the backshore of the wide shingle beach. Due to the forces of natural erosion of the foreshore, it soon became necessary to build defences to protect these properties. By the end of the 1930s a concrete seawall had to be constructed in front of the Beach Club, with a timber revetment (sloping surface) and groynes adjacent to it. These defences had to be extended a few decades later, to the east and west, for a total of 2.6 kilometres. Unfortunately it was this seawall which made the natural erosion of the foreshore worse, by increasing the levels of stress. Consequently, repairs to the seawall were required in 1978.

The southern Eastoke Peninsula frontage regularly overtopped, causing flooding damage. This resulted in the Beach Replenishment Scheme (1985). Coupled with this was the fact that the concrete seawall was reaching the end of its serviceable life. Any failure  of this coastal defence could have led “to erosion of up to 3 metres per annum and subsequent loss of properties. The frequency and severity of overtopping (water carried over the top of a coastal defence) events was increasing annually” (). A “rear splash wall” was subsequently constructed adjacent to the entire length of the seawall in an effort to reduce the damage. Unfortunately however, these measures failed to prevent “regular overtopping or storm damage to properties”.

Increasing scientific understanding has led to new schemes of costal defence. A programme, MAFF commissioned studies on the managed realignment of sea defences. The purpose of these studies was twofold. Firstly, to investigate the biotic and abiotic changes that would occur as a direct result of seawater inundation within areas of realignment and secondly, to investigate the potential impact of changes in ebb and flow rates within existing creek systems immediately outside sites of realignment. The site chosen for the experiment was at Tollesbury in Essex. During 1995, the old sea wall was breached and, for the first time in more than 150 years, the sea was allowed to flood low-lying agricultural farmland adjacent to Tollesbury Creek on every high tide. Soil stability and strength were investigated by the Silsoe Research Institute. Soil stability is strongly influenced by changes in its physical chemistry brought about by regular flooding by salt water.

They found that where sediment accretion was greatest, the material became more stable. They also found that the soil strength within the site was still significantly stronger than on the adjacent saltmarsh. The presence and density of intertidal invertebrates was assessed annually by Institute of Terrestrial Ecology (ITE, now CEH-Dorset) and has shown that throughout most of the Tollesbury managed realignment site, the number of intertidal invertebrate species increased between 1995 and 1998. Over the same period, the number of species common to both the realignment site and the marsh outside the study site continued to increase, but still remained below that of the surrounding marsh. Natural colonisation of the realignment area by saltmarsh plants occurred alongside experimental introductions and has been monitored by ITE. Of all the saltmarsh species planted within the experimental site, sea aster and common saltmarshgrass were able to establish in greatest numbers and continue to survive with varying degrees of success. There are now also populations of both species established within the site, outside the experimental plots. The formation of saltmarsh along the southern edge of the new sea wall, between August 1996 and October 1997, is clearly visible and its spread has continued.

The effects of intertidal invertebrates on the colonisation of intertidal mud by saltmarsh plants are under investigation by Queen Mary and Westfield College. The main aims of this research are to test the hypothesis that there are two alternative stable states at the saltmarsh-mudflat interface: one dominated by animals (particularly ragworm), which prevents plant colonisation; and the other dominated by
plants, which prevents colonisation by burrowing animals by the presence of dense root systems. Bathymetric studies were undertaken by HR Wallingford between 1994-1999 to determine how the surrounding creek systems might be affected by the formation of the realignment area. The analysis showed that during this period the whole estuary deepened. The data indicated that the increased tidal volume moving through the estuary has modified all of the channels, but that a relatively stable situation is now emerging. Changes within and outside the area will continue to be monitored until 2002. The data is providing valuable information on managed realignment, increasingly seen as a key element to sustainable long term flood and coastal management (Ledoux et al, 2005), as a potential technique to alleviate the problems of rising sea level. It also provides an important insight into the development and exploitation of such areas by coastal wildlife, particularly under reasonably ‘natural’ conditions where no heavy engineering of new creeks and sea walls has taken place.          

Clark, J. R. (1996). Coastal Zone Management Handbook. Boca Raton, CRC Press.

(accessed April, 2005)

Goudie, A.S. (1993) Land Transformation. In, Johnston, R.J. (Ed.) The Challenge for Geography A Changing World: A Changing Discipline. The Institute of British Geographers Special Publication Series, 28. pp 117-137.

Goudie, A.S. (1994). The geomorphology of Great Britain. BCRA Cave Studies Series, 5. pp 3-7.


Johnson, D. W., 1919, Shoreline processes and shoreline development: New York, NY, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 584 p.

King, C.A.M. (1980). Physical Geography. Blackwell Publishers.

Ledoux, L., Cornell, S., O’Riordan, T., Harvey, R. and Banyard, L. (2005). Towards sustainable flood and coastal management: identifying drivers of, and obstacles to, managed realignment. Land Use Policy. Vol. 22, Iss. 2; 129-144.

Shepard, F.P. (1945). Revised Classification of Marine Shorelines. J. of Geology, 45:602-624.

Suess, E. (1888). “The Face of the Earth”.

Valentin, H., 1952, "Die Kusten der Erde," Petarmanns Geogr. Mitt (Erg.): 246.

Viles, H. and T. Spencer (1995). Coastal Problems: Geomorphology, Ecology and Society at the Coast. London, Edward Arnold.


海岸线显示巨大的多样性。这是由于沿海形态学的影响因素的多样性和复杂性。在非常一般Davisian条款,任何岸线“的结构,阶段和过程”的产物。换句话说,在分析任何海岸线,必须考虑结构性因素,如安排不同的岩石类型和其耐波攻击和解决方案,以及其他地质因素的角度倾角和图案的床上用品等,拔节期的沉积地层,任何海岸线的形式也是它的年龄和达到的阶段在其进化的产物,也就是说,我们必须考虑到前地质过程和早期的气候变化和海平面可能有特定功能本海岸线。最后,海岸侵蚀和沉积海岸线上的经营显然是重要的当代进程确定其形式,而其他各种物理,化学和生物过程的潮间带以上,加上人类活动,这是一个相当专业的,但重要的原因沿海变化。涉及的因素的多样性和局部变化导致各种各样的海岸地貌。因此,“即使在英国的小罗盘,一个可以对比南,西,伟大的苏格兰海洋湖,低冰川海岸线东安格利亚泰晤士河河口,沼泽和气势粉笔和石灰岩悬崖蜿蜒的入口南部海岸“ (古迪,1993) 。
人们经常认为,分类系统简单地描述和理解艾滋病。通过降低大机构下降到一个相对较小数量的类别的信息,顺序施加于表面的混乱,复杂程度降低,以相对简单,描述和分析,从而促进。由于这些原因,地貌学家长期以来一直感兴趣,降低海岸地貌的多样性和复杂性,独特的类型的数量相对较少。 C.A.M.王(1980)建议,沿海分类系统是两种类型,描述性和遗传性,并认为,遗传类型是首选,因为它是重要的是要知道的东西的起源目前的海岸。她还建议,沿海分类系统应该考虑三个因素:第一,土地表面的形式对海休息;其次,海平面相对长期的运动方向的土地第三,修改的当代海洋过程的影响。
可能是最早的沿海分类制度E.休斯在他的著作“面对的地球” ( 1888 )中所提出的。这是基于土地的形式,对海表面休息,简单地划分世界的海岸线,进入大西洋和太平洋的类型。在前者,结构性趋势都应该运行在直角海岸线,而在后者中,结构性趋势应该运行与海岸平行。这样的计划显然是非常概括和应用的一小块区域没有价值。一个较广义的分类系统所提出的美国地貌学家, DW约翰逊,在他的书中, “海岸线过程和海岸线发展” (1919年) 。这是根据由CAM中的第二个提到的因素王(1980) ,即海平面相对于土地的运动。因此,约翰逊的海岸线确定了四个主要类别:淹没的海岸,紧急海岸,中性海岸和复合海岸。这些主要类别,然后在适当情况下,细分(图1) 。
1 )淹没海岸
2 )紧急海岸
3 )中性海岸
4)化合物海岸(上述类型的任意组合),例如河口海岸与面向离岸酒吧(约翰逊认为证据被调查者首先要进行继之出现淹没了海岸) 。
图1。 D.W.约翰逊沿海分类系统
另一种做法是F.P.谢泼德的“海洋的海岸线” (1945年)修订的分类更加注重当代海岸线过程,而前出现或淹没的证据。因此,谢泼德小学或青春海岸形状主要由非海洋过程,和中学或成熟的海岸形状主要由海洋过程(图2)广阔的区别。
图2。 F.P. Shepard的沿海分类系统
为了处理这些问题,并且早期的计划分类的局限性,一个更复杂的建议是由H.瓦伦丁在“模具Kuste明镜大地之歌” (1952)中。他的系统是基于对当代的海岸前进或后退。这两个主要类别,然后再根据提前(即出现或沉积)和撤退的原因(即淹没或侵蚀)的原因。
土地排水的定义是1991年根据水资源法(由环境局法1995年修订) ,包括防御水,翘曲,灌溉,和任何其他的做法的延续,涉及的管理在河道水位(克拉克,1996)。这个词已经演变沿着其政策和业务部门,分别管理。土地排水科农业委员会是负责土地排水,海防工作从1889年它假定控制英国已建立了根据土地排水法1861土地委员会开展的工作时。土地排水法“ 1926年重新分配某些权力有关土地排水,农业和渔业部,县议会和县自治市镇。土地排水法“ 1930年统一各流域板,排水板有关土地排水和海上防御,建立了土地排水法的代码,并增加可用资金的土地排水当局。商业,土地排水部和农村生活课改变成为土地排水,宣传和农村生活课在1935年,然后在1938年的土地排水部。此部门只专注于土地排水和海上防御问题的,然后才扩大成为土地排水和供水事业部在1944年,又在1959年,当它成为土地排水,供水和机械部。
防洪和排涝的责任继续转移,并在1984年举行的土地排水部,在1986年洪水国防和土地销售部,并在1989年被洪水国防科。年洪水和海防司成立于1993年,在环境政策小组的农林水产省的农村,海洋环境和渔业局。农林水产省内重组的结果,到1997年,它已被转移到区域市政总署及防务集团的农业,农作物和商品首长。 1995年左右,它吸收了冲锋队处理应急计划,关系到国家的粮食供应,并为洪水和海防部(Defra紧急情况部( FCDE )的,2005年)的出名。
直到农林水产省的更换由DEFRA在2001 (环境,食品和农村事务部,创建于2001年6月从当时的农业,渔业和食品( MAFF )部和的环境和农村业务的地区当时的环境部,运输和地区( DETR) ) , FCDE跑农林水产省的洪水和海岸防御计划。威尔士国民议会行使权力前由威尔士办公室举行工作,与农林水产省监测朝着实现政策目标方面取得的进展。这些旨在最大限度地减少洪水和海岸侵蚀在英格兰和威尔士,人民和发达国家和自然的环境,并降低相关风险。司是负责英伦以下:
( )
南部Eastoke半岛临街定期漫顶,造成洪水损坏。导致海滩补货计划(1985) 。加上这个是事实,混凝土海堤达到其使用寿命结束。任何故障可能导致这个沿海防御“高达3米,每年和后续财产损失的侵蚀。漫(水结转沿海防线的顶部)事件的频率和严重程度逐年增加, “ () 。其后A“后防溅墙”附近兴建海堤的整个长度,努力减少损失。然而不幸的是,这些措施未能阻止“定期漫顶或暴风雨损坏的物业” 。
增加科学的认识已经导致沿海防御的新计划。一个程序,农林水产省委托管理调整的海上防御的研究。这些研究的目的是双重的。首先,生物和非生物的变化,这将作为区域内的调整直接导致了海水淹没,其次,调查的潜在影响现有的沟系统外部网站立即调整于潮起潮落率的变化。实验选择该网站是在埃塞克斯Tollesbury 。 1995年期间,老海墙被破坏,第一次在150年以上,被允许海淹没农业低洼农田毗邻Tollesbury溪上的每一个高潮。土壤的稳定性和强度进行了调查由研究所锡尔索。盐水定期洪水所带来的物理化学变化的强烈影响土壤稳定性。
他们发现,泥沙堆积是最大的,材料变得更加稳定。他们还发现,工地内的土体强度仍明显强于相邻的盐沼。潮间带无脊椎动物的存在和密度每年由陆地生态研究所( ITE , CEH-赛特)进行评估,并已经表明,整个大部分的的管理调整Tollesbury网站的,在1995年和1998年之间的潮间带无脊椎动物物种数量增加。在同一时期,调整站点和沼泽外研究网站的常见物种的数量继续增加,但仍低于周围的沼泽。调整区域盐沼植物的自然定植发生一起实验的介绍和已经由ITE监控。种植实验场地内所有的盐沼物种,海ASTER和共同saltmarshgrass的的是能够建立在人数最多,继续生存下去了不同程度的成功。现在也有外试验田内建立网站,这两个物种的种群。盐沼形成新的海墙沿南缘, 1996年8月至1997年10月,是清晰可见的,它的传播继续。
潮间泥盐沼植物的殖民潮间带无脊椎动物的影响正在调查玛利皇后学院。这项研究的主要目的是检验这一假设有两种可供选择的稳定状态在盐沼泥滩接口:一个主要由动物(尤其是ragworm ) ,从而防止植物定植和其他主要由
植物,以防止定植穴居动物的存在致密的根系统。水深HR Wallingford的研究进行了1994-1999年之间, ,周围沟系统,以确定如何通过调整区域的形成,可能会受到影响。分析结果表明,在此期间,整个河口加深。这些数据表明,潮气量增加,通过河口移动已修改了所有的通道,但一个相对稳定的局面,现在新兴。区域内部和外部的变化将继续监测,直到2002年。数据提供有价值的信息管理的调整,越来越多地被视为一个关键因素长期持续的洪水和海岸管理(勒杜等,2005),作为一个潜在的技术,以减轻海平面上升的问题。它还提供了一个重要的洞察沿海野生动物的开发和利用等方面,特别是在合理的'自然'的条件下,没有沉重的新的小溪和海堤工程已经发生。
克拉克,J.R. (1996) 。海岸带管理手册。博卡拉顿,CRC出版社。
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