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代写assessment:Research Method in HRM

浏览: 日期:2020-02-16

HR4306:Research Methods——代写assessment
Evaluation of Qualitative Research Method and Quantitative Research Method in HRM
Qualitative research and quantitative research method are two methods which are of profound importance in the field of HRM. By speaking of qualitative research, it refers to an investigation of the social circumstances by various means, including statistics, mathematics or calculation in order to use these data to explain the social settings. Qualitative research is a method of research that usually centers on a certain theme to obtain some related qualitative information, such as to investigate the attitude, emotion, motive and response of consumers, or to understand the essence of a problem and the direction it’s heading for. While quantitative research is the systematic empirical investigation by various means, including statistics, mathematical data and computational material or by the technique of computation. And of quantitative research, its objective is to develop and use the theories and models of statistics and the assumptions related to the actual phenomena, of which the process of measurement is of vital importance for it connects the empirical observation with the statistical expression of qualitative method. While both the two research methods are have their advantages and disadvantages. In the following parts, both the strengths and shortcomings of qualitative research and quantitative research will be illustrated in details concerning the two methods used in the HRM research.
Evaluation of Qualitative Research
It can be seen obviously that in Does HRM enhance small business performance? A case of an expert design agency, the author Essi Saru mainly resort to the qualitative research method.
Advantages of Qualitative Research in HRM are as follows:
Firstly, qualitative researcher is regarded as very unobtrusive in studying the natural setting. As a result, both research presence and methods would not influence the situation. And the researchers can change their focus according to the process of the research. This is the reason why participant observation is seen as one of the most favorable approaches. In the previous decades, the focus of HRM research mainly concentrate on the large enterprises and ignore the small and middle-sized enterprises, while in contemporary society, the focus of their research turns to SMEs, which manifests the flexibility of qualitative research method (Saru, 2006). Thus the performance of SMEs is illustrated in this book. And in the small-sized firms, the relationship between employer and employee are quite close thus the formal and detailed documentation are not necessary.
Secondly, qualitative research method plays an irreplaceable role in studying attitude, feelings, motivation and reaction. In this book, the author also discussed that there are three areas in the research of SMEs are intended to make a contribution. There are hiring staff, motivating and managing their performance and building the personal and organizational facilities which are necessary to support the operation of the company (Ritchie &Lewis, 2003). While in selecting a new staff, the top priority of recruitment is to ensure that their personalities and characteristics are fit for the current culture of the enterprises. What is a much more subtle and subjective aspects relating to the attitude, feeling, motivations and reactions, are discussed in the book.
Thirdly, qualitative research is a complement of quantitative research. In order to broaden the extent and the deepness of the information, qualitative research both  makes preparation and complement during the quantitative research (Opdenakker, 2006), which makes it more suitable for qualitative research for doing explorative research which explore the deeper information. For example, in the book, Essi expressed the idea that in the qualitative research, the researchers can find out how the small firms differ from their counterparts in the HRM. Unlike in quantitative research, the empirical research is not enough to reveal the connection to reveal the connection between HRM and their performance.
Fourthly, qualitative research enjoys the advantages on time-saving and money-saving. Because of its little sample size, it helps enterprises to save a large sum of money in doing qualitative research. Since in the qualitative research in the SMEs, the researchers do not need to find out the specific data, which was quite time-consuming and money-consuming. Since in this research, it is mainly regarded as a single case in the small organization operated in the field of HPAC, namely the heating and plumbing systems. Compared with quantitative research, it saved a large sum of money and time.
Though the various advantages of qualitative researches are illustrated in the field of SMEs, the disadvantages of qualitative research could not be neglected.
The disadvantages of Qualitative Research
It increases the requirement on the researchers. Qualitative research is kind of demanding task. And participation increases, adding to worthy time and taking up one's responsibilities. It is possible that conflict exists between one's position as a research and one's position as a participant. There exist a standard of unreliability (Merriam, 2002). Qualitative material could be stated wrong with the applying of measurement techniques. And in the book, the research mainly concentrates on some numerous case studies in a small expert organization operating in the field of HPAC (heating and plumbing system). Therefore, the research results concerning the performance of small companies could not be seen as the whole industry.
Qualitative researches are usually regarded as being subjective, impressionistic, idiosyncratic and biased, and lacking of precision. Typically, some bias comes in the rhetorical presentation of accounts (Atkinson, 1990). As it is argued above, there are a number of procedures offering to build rigor and validity, and these are supposed to be demonstrated during the presentation.
And in the Determinants of the adoption of HRM practices in tourism SMEs in Spain: an exploratory study written by Urbano and Yordanova, it can obviously seen that the researchers use the quantitative research method for there are numerous concrete data. In following parts, the advantages and disadvantages of quantitative research of tourism SMEs will be discussed in details.